Has the Kelly Thomas trial affected your views on the Fullerton Police Department?“Sort of. They’ve always been like that. They take advantage of you.”-Dejon Jackson, 20, Undeclared“Yeah, I thought it was wrong to be so forceful. He was doing nothing wrong and didn’t know what to do. The police should train more and learn how to treat people.”-Dalina Barber, 18, Pre-Nursing“It hasn’t necessarily changed the way I look at the Fullerton PD. It has changed my view of police in general.”-Kevin Seymour, 18, Business“I just think they need to know what they are doing and how it affects others. They should know the law and know how to asses the situation.”-Christina Pogosyan, 19, Interior Design
Buzz worthy is a weekly dose of student opinion that is collected by the Hornet staff and writers around campus.