Readers and Writers Club does more than put on a show, they help and give back to the community by giving students a voice and volunteering on campus.

The club has evolved from plays to music, theater, poetry, and this year they had a rapper and comedian perform at their showcase.
The club is centered around the students and gives them a platform to express themselves.
During their second annual Open Mic Night Sept. 22 they had a first time performer share her poem. Club publicist described her as timid and soft spoken but by the end of her poem she felt welcomed confident.
The club works along side other clubs and departments to put together plays and showcases.
They work together all semester long for the show that features artists on campus and perform plays that are written by club members and music performed by students.
The club gives students a way to express themselves in all art forms. It allows students to be confident in their work and be themselves and share their passion with others.
Club President Justine Marquez says the show is based around the students and community.
“Without the campus and communities support, the club would not be what it is today, they support and encourage us to create and share our work,” Marquez said.
The club participated in the A.S. benefits elections, they had their own booth and constantly volunteer at events.
Reader and Writers emphasizes in art as a form of expression. They work with the art department to feature students and have their pieces viewed.
“We proivde a means for people to perform and practice their art,” Marquez said.
The club featured 10 paintings from students this year.
Open to everyone, during their open mic night they had members and students from Cal Sate Fullerton come and share their poems, stories and music.

Their show case two weeks ago on Nov. 4 had performances from actors and musicians.
The performance is a large production that involves a set with costumes, lighting and decorations.
Many of the equipment used is donated to the club or built by the club members. The theater arts department has been a biggest inspiration.
“Even if you’re not a writer, putting your heart into something and expressing yourself in front of an audience is a great way to build your confidence to create,” Memo Molina, club publicist, said.
Molina has enjoyed his two years in the club and has meet some amazing people that encourage and push him to create and do better.
Art is viewed in many forms and the Readers and Writers club is one of the platforms on campus that allows student to do so.
“It would be great to have a sculpture or painting created by students displayed in the cafe or library,” Sidra Amin, linguistic major, said. She hopes to see more art displayed in areas where students study as a form of inspiration and encouragement.