Anaheim Policed Department blocked off entrances to West Palais Road, where the protest from the previous night took place.
Police officers and cruisers formed a barricade on the residential intersection of W. Palais road and S. Edda Lane near the off-duty LAPD officer’s home.
Officers were heavily equipped with face shields, batons, rubber bullet guns and tear-gas can guns.
Several neighbors and local spectators gathered on their yards and along the curbs of the streets.
Only a few demonstrators arrived on the scene.
Local news vans were parked along W. Palais Road with several reporters and cameramen at the ready.
Anaheim Mayor Tom Tait and Anaheim Police Chief Raul Quezada both expressed their disturbances in a press conference earlier Thursday Feb. 23.
Tait revealed he was “deeply disturbed and frankly, angered” after watching the video of the confrontation that surfaced through social media.

“This has been a blow to our community,” Tait later stated, “Anaheim is committed to a full and impartial investigation. Our city will move forward without delay.”
“As a father and a police chief, I too was disturbed by what I saw in the videos on the internet” said Quezada.
APD will be conducting a criminal investigation and will present its findings to the Orange County District Attorney.
The Los Angeles Police Department will also handle a separate investigation concerning the off-duty officer who has since been placed on administrative leave.
The off-duty officer voluntarily went to the station the day of the incident and was processed, Quezada reported. His personal firearm was also confiscated during his processing.
Quezada also stated that during the initial investigation there was “insufficient evidence to arrest the officer,” but, at the time, “clear and compelling evidence” to arrest the Christian Dorscht, the 13-year-old.
Although Dorscht was booked on suspicion of making a criminal threat and battery, he was later released from Orange County Juvenile Hall on Wednesday, the day after the altercation.
A 15-year-old boy also portrayed in the video was arrested on suspicion of assault and battery and released to his parents.
On Wednesday Feb. 22, around 300 protestors crowded the area where the confrontation occurred near Euclid Street and Palais Road against the off-duty officer.

The home of neighbor Joe Gulrich, 76, was mistakenly defaced with graffiti and vandalized with a rock thrown through his front window. Protestors also left vehicle windshields broken.
Of the hundreds of protestors that participated, a total of 23 people were arrested, 18 adults and five minors.
On Tuesday Feb. 21, the off-duty officer and Dorscht, both engaged in conflict in the presence of other teens shown in the video one teen captured on a smartphone.