President Trump announced a new executive order on Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2017 that would strike down the work of his predecessor’s administration in transgendered rights.
The order rolls back the federal mandate of the controversial issue involving bathroom preference in the transgendered community to be decided by individual states instead of a unilateral federal decision.
Although California is a supporter state of these rights, Fullerton College is fully committed to best serving each of its students.

Lisa McPheron, Fullerton College’s Director of Campus Communications, relayed the college’s support for its students on Thursday.
“No changes will occur at Fullerton College stemming from the Trump Administration’s removal of protections for transgender students,” stated McPheron.
“In California, we are governed by law that forbids any discrimination against students based on their gender identity or gender expression. We not only follow California law at Fullerton College, but we believe in the spirit and purpose of that law,” said McPheron.
” We are committed to creating and sustaining a safe and supportive environment for all of our students.”