“Guardian’s of the Galaxy Vol.2” hit theaters on Friday, May 5, which marked the return of Star-Lord, Gamora, Rocket, Drax and the adored Baby Groot to raise hell in the galaxy.
Director and writer James Gunn doubled down with comedy, action and emotional family ties.
The feeling is the same from Vol. 1 and almost all too familiar, but not in a bad way. Gunn heavily packed on the comedy in this sequel, which to no surprise Peter Quill (Chris Pratt) and his fellow guardians had no problem delivering the greatest one-liners of the year.
This movie will have you laughing out loud, and probably an embarrassing amount. Drax (Dave Bautista) may secretly be the funniest character, and Pratt was clearly born to play his character of Star-Lord.

Bradley Coopers voicing of Rocket is so undermined and undoubtedly some of the best lines in the movie.
The Guardians are being hunted, shot at, blown up, locked up and run down, which is accompanied by an incredible soundtrack by Fleetwood Mack.
Setting up the movie, the gang is working together by selling their “guardian” services in return for all things or people they find valuable. The group is still the same in the sense of never agreeing on anything, constantly bickering and always poking fun at each other.
Some moviegoers would say the relationship between Rocket (Cooper) and Groot (Diesel) is the most rewarding to watch.

In this case, Groot’s growing relationship with everyone, much like the first movie is the main reason as to why they are still together. His child-like emotions and his favorite three little words complete the group in the most important way.
This movie is a must see with the only flaw being the main conflict surrounding the guardians.
In course of a couple of hours, there are many smaller conflicts between the main characters, side characters like Ravagers and Yondu (Rooker) and the new empire. It’s easy to get lost in this galaxy.

We meet Quil’s father Ego (Kurt Russell) for the first time. After ending the first film with Pratt grasping onto the infinity rock and not dying from it became apparent that Peter was not just of earth, but he was a hybrid. Once learning his background from his father, the lies of his life are all revealed in an action packed battle scene.
In this film there is an underlying message that sometimes the people you think you need in your life are in fact people that may not be good for you while it’s easy to see past the ones that are always there for you.
The Guardians might make up a crazy dysfunctional family who may more often then not try killing each other, but they are still a family. At the end of the movie, you will feel like part of it too.