The last Associated Students meeting of the year was met with emotion as the student government swore in the new executive board members for the 2017-2018 school year on Tuesday, May 9.
The last student senate meeting was also dedicated to giving out awards for both A.S. members and staff.

Current A.S President Niko Diehr swore in the new student senators and executives before finally passing the ceremonial gavel to
newly elected president Taylor Gaetje.Diehr, who will be graduating in May, remarked on the success A.S. served the college this past year.
“I think their performance as a body was exemplary,” explained Diehr, “We had a lot of bumps along the way from the beginning of the year setting up events and communicating with all the new team members, but they quickly overachieved and went way beyond our expectations and achieving what we wanted.”
Awards followed the swearing in, beginning with awarding newly elected student senator Aldwin Galang as Senator of the Month for April.
Sasha Dotterman, Camille Serrano and Robert Darkwood all received the senator of the year awards. The leader of the year award was given to both Kassandra Flores and Taylor Gaetje.
Director of Student Activities Naomi Abesamis and faculty advisor Joe Carrithers handed out their own awards as well before Abesamis handed Diehr the Director Advisor’s Choice Award.

The meeting closed with personal speeches given by the graduating executives.
“Overall, at the end of the year, Associated Students performed very well and I’m more than pleased with everything we’ve done,” said Diehr, “I hope the senators continuing on will create an even stronger foundation for more leaders to rise in the future.”