Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

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The Hornet

Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

FC’s new mission statement is almost set in stone

Schulz speaks
FC President Greg Schulz speaks upon the importance of the value of inclusiveness in Fullerton College. Photo credit: Aaron Untiveros

A few community members gathered to give their thoughts on the newly drafted mission statement in a campus open forum on Monday, May 8.

Carlos Ayon, Director of Institutional Research and Planning at Fullerton College, led the presentation where attendees could also bring in their input publicly.

The mission statement of Fullerton College was first approved back in 1998. It was annually reviewed by the President’s Advisory Counsel (PAC) and was reviewed last year at the Spring 2016 FC Planning Symposium.

As the standards set by Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) changed, the mission statement needed to be revised to reflect these standards along with a new accurate depiction of Fullerton College today.

A mission statement work group was formed under the PAC on October 2016. Once PAC approved the work group formation and participants, the process to create an updated version of the mission statement was in motion as drafts were being worked on.

Discussion groups on the mission statement were then held after the 2017 Spring Convocation with approximately 144 participants.

At the end of the discussion, the work group gathered over 1,000 lines of responses to take into account when drafting the mission statement.

Aside from the group discussions, web surveys were delivered via email and in the President’s Weekly email that accumulated another 82 respondents.

“The work group had to create a mission statement that met the four points of the accreditation standards while, at the same time, attempting to craft something that had the spirit of Fullerton College” Ayon explained, “The draft we have today is what they came up with.”

Real Mission
The current draft for the Fullerton College Mission Statement by the work group after taking feedback into account. Photo credit: Fullerton College Administration

A new theme introduced into the main values was “partnership,” as Fullerton College is now working with K-12 schools, four-year institutions, local businesses and community organizations now more than ever.

A second open forum will be held Friday, May 12 from 10 a.m. to noon in room 224.

To view the current draft of the mission statement, visit the FC Mission survey.