Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

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The Hornet

Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

DACA takes on Fullerton

Students, faculty and alumni descended upon the campus in support of those affected by the federal repeal of the DACA program.

I am an Ally
Many Students who were not Dreamers showed up in solidarity to march on September 13. Photo credit: Christian Fletcher


Andres Martinez, organizer of the demonstration, said they were there to “highlight the injustices against 800,000 students” across the nation that would be affected by the repeal.

On Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2017, President Trump decided to rescind the program and hand the fate of DACA recipients over to the U.S.Congress. This lead to a national upset which made its way to Fullerton.

“We knew [DACA] was not permanent,” Martinez said.

Following the president’s message, Fullerton’s president, Greg Schulz, pledged to stand by DACA students in a message sent out to all students and faculty.

“[We need] more than just on-paper,” the organizer said in regards to the school’s promise.

Jose Salano
Former Associated Students president, Jose Solano was present at the FC DACA rally even after he moved on to CSUF on Wednesday. Photo credit: Christian Fletcher


Jose Solano, DREAM Team member from Cal State Fullerton and alumna from Fullerton College, said at the finale of the march “We are here and we are unafraid.”

Once Associated Students President, Solano is proud to have been a Hornet and is concerned about the universities’ policies regarding DACA.

According to the Daily Titan, “DACA recipients employed by the university will be let go as soon as March 2018.”

“If they’re not there, you’re silencing someone”, Solano said. He believes it will be detrimental to the progress of DACA students as they acted as mentors and sources for support.

More than 100 students from Fullerton College and Cal State Fullerton marched all across FC moving through the corridors and chanting this afternoon. Photo credit: Christian Fletcher


Jazmin Martinez, president of the DREAM team club on campus, wanted to make sure students knew that they were “not alone” and that the organization is “willing to fight” for them.

“This is our home,” she said, “[we deserve] the basic human right to work and to an education.”

The club’s president added that the school needs to make more resources available to students to truly help them during this time of crisis. Even sending students to the DREAM team, she said, would be a better way to help than just making a statement.

Although not directly affected by it, Ashley Vergara has several friends whose lives have been placed in limbo due to the removal of the program.

Ashley Vergara prepares signs in Fulleron College’s free speech zone for the DACA rally on the afternoon of 13 Sept. 2017. Photo credit: Christian Fletcher


“I’m really proud…even though we’re a community college…it’s big,” Vergara said in response to the school’s stance on the repeal.

“We live in a Latino community,” she added, and could not imagine how those who attend CSUF feel about their school not standing behind them during this time.

Congress is now responsible for deciding on the fate of DACA and has a six month period to do so. If not, the program will be totally dissolved, leaving 800,000 people at risk of being deported.

“They’re teachers, they’re doctors, they’re professionals,” the organizer of the demonstration said.

'Nough said
As the march went on, at one point the main body was joined by a second group of supporters that held signs of support of the DACA recipiants. Photo credit: Christian Fletcher


Those involved convened in front of the student center, then went on to make their way around the campus, chanting popular slogans amongst demonstrators such as “Undocumented and unafraid!”, “Up up with education, down down with deportation!”, “Ain’t no power like the power of the people because the power of the people don’t stop!”



Organizers promised to continue with their vigilance in making DACA student’s voices be heard through more demonstrations while Congress deliberates their fate.

“Remember, this is just the beginning,” Solano said to close the demonstration.

If you or someone you know is in need of support or information, contact the Fullerton College DREAM team through their FaceBook.