Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

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The Hornet

Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

TuiDaShark: Uncensored injustice

Former US military service member and local from Anaheim, Mosamoa Tuiteleleapaga, who goes by “TuiDaShark”, has been making music since he was a four year old.

His mother was an entertainer and vocal coach to well known artists when Tuiteleleapaga was a child which kept him immersed in music. His mother’s career allowed him to meet various artists such as Aaron Carter, Bruce Willis and Phylicia Rashad.

Head shot of Mosamoa Tuiteleleapaga. Photo credit: Alex Nejera

When he enlisted in the military, he had to sign away certain rights of his. It was a decision he believes not only changed the way he saw his own rights, but also the rights of all citizens.

While in Colorado, he joined a rock ensemble and began writing songs that he describes as going against a lot of the things he agreed to when joining the military.

TuiDaShark uses Hip Hop as a way to work and collaborate with other creatives as opposed to working against them. He emphasizes on minorities in this country who he believes had the “short end of the stick” throughout this country’s history.

On his latest EP “Hustle or Die”, he discusses various issues going on in the U.S. These issues include bullying, public education, the dark past of the U.S. and the U.S. government’s tendency to lie to its citizens.

One of his songs, “Life Is”, has a feel-good melody that discusses the dark days people face, the constant need to be on social media, and asks listeners what life is about.

“Character, Integrity and Chivalry have all been disregarded and replaced with very limited ideals like looking good, being the best and winning,” Tuiteleleapaga said. “There is a time and place for them, but America has pretty much made these standards of what [one] should reach for as an American.

“It’s affected our outlook on the rest of the world and the rest of the world’s outlook on us, and I think that’s not good.”

TuiDaShark listens to everything from metal to opera, but “Gregorian chant” is by far his favorite type of music, which he credits as the turning point that led him to pursue his passion in music.

“Gregorian chant” music is a form of a monophonic, unaccompanied sacred song of the Roman Catholic Church. While Tuiteleleapaga does not consider himself a religious person, he does identify as a spiritual person.

“I release music because I feel there are people out there who can benefit… they can perceive it in a way that can help them get through whatever it is that they’re going through. It’s universal, like math.”

Dressed up
TuiDaShark takes inspiration for his music from all places, some include Prince, Childish Gambino, Gregorian chant music. Photo credit: Alex Nejera

To listen to TuiDaShark’s latest tracks follow him on Soundcloud or look up his latest EP Hustle or Die which is available to stream on Youtube.