Over the weekend, the library was visited by several hundred eager locals ready to leave with a handful of books.

The Friends of the Library were the hosts of this book sale. According to the library website, the Friends of the Library formed back in 1961 and raised funds from selling house-plants and used books. They were made official shortly after handing over their first check.
The first day of October kicked off with a great sale, the day started off with half-price books and for the last hour of the sale, bags were sold for $2! This proved to be a good way to raise money for the library because the room was crowded with readers of all ages.

Some people even came prepared with their own bags to fill, even though brown paper bags were provided at the door.

Kim De Wolf and Naomi Zohman were very friendly bodies at the door welcoming everyone who came for the book sale.
“The public has been very supportive” said Zohman. The turnout has been as good as expected and all the proceeds help the library stay in operation and offer programs- especially for the kids.
Programs include movie viewings, read-alongs, and activities which help to engage children of all ages.

There was no shortage of genres to browse through. The genres ranged all the way from travel to romance novels.

On the way out, happy customers engaged with incoming bookworms, “You can buy a bag for two dollars and fill it up! What a steal!” I overheard.

“We heard about this booksale since we come to the library quite often, it was like animals in there!” said Tiffany Louie.

Overall, this was a fun event that helped raise money for the public library and visitors left with smiles and piles of books.
For more information on annual book sales taking place at our local library, visit their website.