Transfer awareness week is an event held by Fullerton College to help students look at possible plans for the future, and help them decide what four-year universities to apply to.

There are tons of colleges at this event that range from instate, out of state, private and public universities.
You are able to walk around to each table and talk to a representative from each college as well as get information on how to transfer to that specific school.

Each representative will inform you more about the school they are representing and what majors their school carries. Most representatives will hand you a sheet that gives you important deadlines, major-specific requirements, and even information on FAFSA. These handouts are a good guideline to get you starting on thinking about what schools you want to go to.
This event is meant to help the transfer process run smoothly by giving you advice and informing you on what is required to transfer and to help you stay on track.

Representatives are willing to answer any questions you have as well as connect with you; many of them ask for your information so they can send you emails and notifications on their universities.
Joshua Villafranco, a journalism major, felt that the whole event was very informative if you are looking into transferring, “It had different college reps that were very helpful in saying what it takes to transfer into their respective colleges; It also opened my mind up into different schools to look at.”

Payal Kharti, a communications major, said “I thought it was well organized and had a wide variety of colleges, including UC’s, private colleges, and CSUs. It was interesting to see what the colleges had to offer.”
A few Other students expressed how they were thankful FJC has this event, because it has made them more comfortable and confident when it comes to transferring.
Destiny Alejandre, nutrition major, expressed how she was second guessing transferring because she did not feel prepared or ready, but after attending the event and speaking with representatives, she felt relieved and excited to transfer.
A few of the representatives expressed how many of the students were clueless on what their schools had to offer until speaking with them. Once the students were informed with the programs offered as well as career opportunities, the students then became interested in the school.
Other representatives said that a lot of students have no idea how to even go about transferring, and this can cause them to second guess applying to transfer. That’s why they feel an event like Transfer awareness week is so important.
Fullerton college themselves had a booth set up to inform students on what schools were at the event and to encourage students to go to the transfer center. They explained how Fullerton College students can sign up through the transfer center to go on college tours for a small fee. If you need help on transferring, the transfer center offers one on one help to get you set up and feeling confident to transfer.
For more information on the transfer center visit their website or walk over to their office located in the 200 building.