Fullerton College’s Health Services Wellness Symposium on Oct. 28 explored the topic of health and body wellness featuring expert guest speakers for the three different seminars.
The three different seminars, mindfulness and meditation, nutrition for the brain, and muscle relaxation for stress along with the relaxation station provided students with expert information on mind and body wellness.
“The wellness symposium is meant to provide students with access to different experts on campus. Wellness is such a broad topic and we’re trying to bring them together and make it beneficial to students,” stated Kelly Salazar, health education coordinator.
Fullerton College professor Lynette Pratt began the even with her presentation on mindfulness and meditation.

Pratt lead the attendees in breathing exercises to show how to control one’s breathing. The Fullerton College instructor promoted the concept of being mindful as she believes it is beneficial to our mental and physical health.
‘We’re trying to create a mindful campus,” added Pratt.
Following Pratt’s presentation, attendees were treated with snacks and drinks provided by Fullerton College’s Health Services.
The snacks coincided with the following presentation on nutrition and the brain led by Fullerton College nutrition expert and professor Michelle Loy.

Loy presented information on how health effects how we perform. The presentation showed the effects the food we eat and how it is linked to our brain health.
“Nutrition effects how we perform and how we sleep. It effects our overall physical health,” claimed Loy.
In between breaks in the seminars, those in attendance were able to take advantage of the relaxation and essential oils stations if they wanted to make their own lotion or if they felt the need to take a nap.

The event’s final presentation differed from the previous two as it was a more hands on and interactive presentation focusing on muscle relaxation and stretches to reduce stress.
Led by certified massage therapists and registered nurse Tamara Khan, the final presentation taught students and other attendees different stretches and exercises for reducing stress and relieving muscle tension.

“Stretching of the neck and shoulder muscles along with breathing exercises can be extremely beneficial to relieve stress,” said Khan.
Khan’s presentation and demonstration on relaxation exercises capped off Health Services’s Wellness Symposium.
“Wellness is not what students always focus on. With their grades, work and family, mindfulness and wellness isn’t a weekly practice. It’s good to have these reminders for students,” added Salazar.
For more information on Health Services, their website is http://health.fullcoll.edu/ and they are located in the 1200 building next to the north gym.