Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

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The Hornet

Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

Milo Yiannopoulos’s speech at CSUF draws protests, controversy

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CAL STATE FULLERTON —Controversial speaker Milo Yiannopoulos drew protests during his speech at Cal State Fullerton on Oct. 31.

In Halloween fashion, many of the attendees that filled the Titan Student Union at Cal State Fullerton Tuesday evening came dressed in various patriotic costumes only to be outdone by far-right provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos, who made his entrance donned in a Catholic priest’s tunic.

His stage was set, the crowd stood and erupted, and Yiannopoulos basked in it all, raising his arms, inviting cheers from his faithful.

He settled by the microphone and motioned towards an empty coffin with the word “HOLLYWOOD” embedded inside, which led to his barrage of Kevin Spacey jokes, who was just outed for sexual assault against a minor.

Milo Yiannopoulos spoke to a sold-out crowd of faithful fans on Oct. 31 at Cal State Fullerton. Photo credit: Hector Arzola

Yiannopoulos’ bits were mostly directed toward the progressive left, whom he claimed were too sensitive and claimed nothing was for joking.

He swung into full controversy, saying transsexuals are unattractive, which is why no one finds former First Lady Michelle Obama desirable, much to the crowd’s approval.

He transitioned into making a joke about the eight dead in New York City that morning, proclaiming that although it was a tragedy, he was just happy those who died were cyclists.

The crowd, who overwhelmingly cheered and laughed at his bits, squeaked out muffled laughter and quietly gasped at Yiannopoulos’s effort to continue to push every possible button until the political correctness control panel combusted.

Yiannopoulos quickly won their attention again, however, by endorsing attendees report illegal immigrants to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement as he stood in front of a slide of himself dressed in an ICE outfit that said “support women and homosexuals, purge your local illegals.”

Among other issues, Yiannopoulos called for the building of the wall, restriction on birth control which he believes makes women unattractive, and the defunding of higher education.

He brought his speech to an end by praising the first amendment and free speech, which is the focus of his “Troll Academy Tour.”

“There is a change coming, and it’s driven by the understanding that this is the greatest nation,” Yiannopoulos said to wild USA cheers and applause from the audience. “This is a place where you should be allowed to say and do whatever you want.”

Hundreds of protesters descended upon CSUF’s campus in response to Yiannopoulos’s appearance outside the Titan Student Union.

Protestors of the appearance of Milo Yiannopoulos on CSUF campus took to the common area at around 3 p.m. Photo credit: Madalyn Amato


Many held signs condemning “racists” and chanted “no fascists, no KKK, no racist USA,” throughout the night. Tensions were tangibly high as supporters and dissenters alike met in the area just west of the student union where the subject of their debate spoke on differing issues.

A confrontation almost immediately broke out between a woman wearing a “Trump” hat and another woman, which resulted in several people getting pepper sprayed.

Police presence was extremely heavy, with Fullerton PD and campus police being supplemented by the O.C. Sheriff and S.W.A.T.

Several attempts throughout the night were made to disperse the crowd and diffuse tensions by police using a rushing tactic.

Protesters made a march around campus ending at the intersection of State College Blvd. and Arts Dr., just outside the venue where Yiannopoulos was speaking. They later returned to the original common area where tensions continued to rise.

Antifa/Protesters march
Milo Yiannopoulos protesters march around the CSUF campus with “Antifacist Action” flag holders at the front on October 31, 2017. Photo credit: Ayrton Lauw


All was seemingly peaceful, with occasional flare ups between the two parties, until attendees of the event exited through the crowd of protesters.

Almost immediately conflict erupted, leading to several physical conflicts. No police intervention was made.

An unidentified woman in tactical gear made advances towards a protester, sparking outrage that led to a five minute chase as she tried to escape the crowd of both supporters and dissenters. This led her to discharge her pepper spray into the crowd and get physical with more individuals in the crowd.

She was arrested following the incident. Seven other individuals were arrested at the event.

It was at this time that the event was declared as an unlawful assembly and law enforcement began to disperse the crowd. Approximately eight to ten people were arrested by the end of the night.

More details will be provided as they emerge. Stay up to date at