Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

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The Hornet

Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

Extra, extra, read all about it at FC’s book club

The Leisure Reading Book Group is a place where students gather together to socialize, read and discuss their chosen book for the semester.

Members meet every other week in the library, room 822 from 3pm to 4:30pm to enjoy friendly discussion and snacks.

“I started this club with English professor Deidre Hughes, and we wanted to promote reading that was for leisure instead of just for assignments. This is a way to get the students excited about coming to the library, and wanting to read for just plain fun,” said Jane Ishibashi, the FC Librarian.

One of the perks of being a part of the reading group is that as long as you’re a student, the books are free to read.

One of us is Lying
This semester the group read and discussed One of Us is Lying, a popular teen fiction book. Photo credit: Tameka Poland

Recreational reading improves academic reading skills, and the added bonus of joining a club allows students to meet new people and feel more involved on campus.

“I joined the book group because I was finally able to read books that were not assigned to me in class and I like talking about the plot and theories with other people,” replied Emma Douglas, an FC student.

Sometimes the books read during meetings are the first books that students have ever really sat down and read, and most seem to really enjoy it.

“Often times before the recap of the book, the club will play mindfulness practice games in order to focus the attention on what we are reading,” said Hughes.

The group currently has a Facebook page with more than 60 members.

“We had the most students at the beginning of this semester than we’ve ever had. We almost couldn’t fit everyone in the room,” added Hughes.

“I wanted to see if I could become more social and I wanted to hang out with people that enjoyed reading books just as much as I did,” stated Jocelyn Gonzales, a current member of the group.

Anyone interested in joining the book club can check out their Facebook group or contact Jane Ishibashi at