One in five women and one in sixteen men are sexually assaulted while in college.
On Jan. 31, 2017, according to the OC Register, Fullerton police arrested 35-year-old Aris Hyung Yoon for grabbing two females in the crotch on the Fullerton College campus.
According to the Dailytitan, on Oct. 23, 2017, a reported rape occurred in Elm Hall residence halls on the Cal State Fullerton Campus. According to CSUF campus police, in 2014 there were six reported sexual assaults on campus, three in 2015, and five in 2016. Although these numbers may not seem unusually high, these were just the ones reported.

Fullerton College has several resources to help students feel safe and educated in the case that a situation ever arises where you may have to defend yourself.
These are some suggested tips on how Fullerton College students can stay safe.
•Carry safety supplies
These are some supplies that can be carried with you for self-defense without violating the law.
Pepper spray is light and portable and some can even be hooked to your purse or backpack for easy reach. Train yourself on how to use it before actually using it in an emergency.
Any knife with a blade no longer than two and a half inches. Make sure to learn how to properly use one to avoid hurting yourself.
A safety personal alarm would be the ideal choice if you do not feel comfortable carrying a weapon or pepper spray.
This device makes a loud sound attracting peoples’ attention to your location.
Self Defense Class
Be able to defend yourself successfully by taking a self-defense class.
Fullerton College offers a self-defense boxing class for physical education.
Or go your own way and sign up for a self-defense class near you.
• Your vehicle
Park in well-lit areas, especially if you will be out of class after dark.
Quickly observe the backseats for potential intruders before opening your car.
Lock your doors as soon as you enter your vehicle.
• Stay extra cautious at night
Don’t take unnecessary risks, according to National Crime Victimization Survey, about two-thirds of rapes/sexual assaults occur at night.
Whether it’s walking to your car or trying to get home, the best way to stay safe is to travel in groups.
If you are unable to walk in a group try to walk where there is people and avoid taking “short cuts” through isolated areas.
When going out, at least have one friend who will have your back when intoxicated and to make sure you do not leave with someone else.
• Less Distractions
Don’t listen to music or be on your phone as it is distracting.
Pay attention to your surroundings at all times, especially if you’re alone.
• Campus Safety
Campus Safety Officers are on campus 24/7 and provide escort services at any time. Although their office hours vary.
You can contact Campus Safety emergency phone line at (714) 992-7777. It is recommended to have their number on speed dial in case of an emergency.
Campus Safety can also be reached through Emergency Phones that are located throughout the campus and the four-story parking structure.

• Download safety apps
SafeTrek is a handy app when walking alone.
How it works: Get on the app. Press your thumb on the “safe button” then remove your thumb and enter your pin once you’ve arrived at your destination. If you are in danger or are feeling scared, simply remove your thumb from the button without entering the pin. This will notify local police with your exact location and help will be on its way.
• Be cautious not paranoid
This is not intended to scare women but rather to spread awareness in order to stay safe.
These are just some suggestions on how to be in control of your safety and it should not make you afraid to be on your own.
Inside the campus safety building you can find all different types of brochures that talk about safety and the measures someone can take to protect themselves and be prepared for an emergency situation. One of the brochures is strictly on sexual assault and sexual assault victim services. In the brochure you will get information on the Sexual Assault Victim Services (SAVS). SAVS is orange County’s rape crisis center, which is committed to providing “high quality and comprehensive services to rape victims, sexually abused victims, and their family members.”
This foundation works in conjunction with local colleges, schools, and community groups to provide programs that empower as well as educate people that may not be aware of the severity of sexual assaults.
Services provided for victims of sexual assault are crisis intervention and counseling, support groups, emergency assistance, and a 24-hour hotline crisis counseling that provides immediate telephone counseling for victims and family members. There are also self-defense classes to help students or anyone feel safe and confident.

Rayanna Perfecto, a student at Fullerton College, said that a way to make students feel safer on campus would be to add more light around campus at night, “The parking lot seems so far, and walking there at night can be scary, it’s way too dark to walk alone.” She also said a good idea would be to allow student to park in staff parking after a certain time of the day so their cars are closer to campus.
If you are a victim of rape or sexual assault, it is suggested to immediately go to a safe place and call the police, sheriff, a rape crisis center, doctor, and someone you trust. It is also recommended that you do not shower, wash up, or change clothes until after talking to an officer and going to the hospital, due to the fact that these factors are evidence to help catch the predator.
Taking these extra steps could potentially save you, or someone you know. Be prepared and stay safe.
If you or anyone you know has been raped or sexually assaulted please contact the following number or website.
Contributed to by: Kimberly Solis