The Trump Administration is about to break the Matrix with it’s proposed repeal of net neutrality and each and every one of us is Neo right now.
The vote is tomorrow, but fret not, it only takes a few minutes to voice your opinion to the Federal Communications Commission.
While this is not the first time the FCC has thought about dismantling the agreement set in place by the Obama administration (remember no Russia, no scandals, no orange asshole in office pissing off the world one non-white color or country at a time?), this time it seems almost inevitable as the FCC commissioner is part of an administration that just doesn’t give a fuck, seriously they give fewer shits than a constipated person that has a dire phobia of laxatives.
No, now we have Ajit Pai, the human equivalent to an uncomfortable racist joke in the work break room when a new hire walks in and blasts one off thinking he is funny.

Pai has been making the talk show rounds of Fox News, Fox and Friends and The Fox show, “Tonight with Tucker Carlson” to make his case that net neutrality is actually the hidden shackles that bind us and opening up these regulations, that literally has the word neutral in it, would be a good idea. Because mega-corporations that give you service windows of eight hours to be there or charge you for the visit, continuously have outages for no other reason than lack of proper maintenance and lower bandwidth speeds than eastern block countries that use to be part of the Soviet Union (and not in a beneficial way) always have your best interest at heart, right?
So as I said earlier in this piece you can write the FCC, unfortunately, John Olivers seems to be down from time to time and you might not have the copy and paste template, but with a bit more time and conviction you can contact the FCC and email everyone on this contact list letting them know you want a fair and open internet.
Hell, why stop there, call your congressional leadership, call them twice, let everyone know that this is important because it is.
For those of you who want a little background on net neutrality, I’ll break it down for you in a quick-and-dirty bit, that by no means covers all of the subject but gives a sample of the repercussions of repeal.

Net neutrality is a regulation that keeps the internet fair and open; it ensures that all traffic on the internet is treated fairly and equally, sounds kind of like the first amendment right. With net neutrality companies cannot restrict or slow access to content they deem unfit, immoral, unsuitable, burdensome or damaging in any way (not to say that they would but without neutrality, they could).

Also neutrality places a price on the internet that is static, you pay for the speed you want and the companies can not base that price off what services you use, in a sense, not an a la cart where on top of your base fee for access you would have to pay extra for heavy-traffic sites you visit, especially those which use high bandwidth like Netflix, Facebook and Pornhub to name a few.

But that’s not all the bad news; neutrality also protects businesses like those just mentioned from degrading the user experience by either adding more ads to the internet or passing on charges for increased bandwidth to the customer, imagine if your Netflix bill was doubled, I can’t wait to basic-cable and chill.
Lastly, neutrality protects startups from being priced out.
You know all these cool apps and devices that keep coming out of Silicon Valley, China, or where ever? Yeah, those guys can compete cause their start-up funding int eaten up by bandwidth usage costs. They can source user data, with permission usually, and build bigger and better products and services while still making their goal of Series A to Series B funding.
So it’s your turn to do something, tell your congressperson, tell your senator, tell the FCC, hell tell your mom and dad to tell all these people because this is actually important and if neutrality is ended it’s not a light switch we can just flip back on, that could take decades of litigation and court appeals.
“If you take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”
Red pill takers read on, blue pill people shove off and enjoy Winter Break.
The following is an addition to the upper mentioned piece, although this is classified as an editorial it does not necessarily reflect the views of the entire Hornet news media outlet, only that of its opinion editor and those who wish to claim it as well:
I’d like to say that I have waited three years to write this article. I know it might not be popular, but as my tenure on The Hornet comes to an end I feel this is the last thing to say and when I took this position I made a deal with one of the best Editor-in-Chiefs I have ever worked with, that she would let me say my peace when needed, so here it is…
But wait for just a darn-tootin-minute. There is nothing in The United States Constitution that says anything about net neutrality, so why is the federal government now stepping in to change a policy that was implemented by a previous president, besides the fact that he is black and our current president hates that a black man successfully ran America scandal-free with.
I thought the constitution was set up that all issues not covered by amendments were delegated to the states governments by the thirteenth amendment?
It sure seems that way every time gun legislation comes up. I can’t count the times I’ve had to watch some NRA shill go on the news and say how the federal government wants to git ur guns.
What makes gun control, which has its own freaking ammendment in the constitution that is almost as importnat as I can say what I want with out fear, I read information about the governemnt not produced by the government from who ever I want with out worry, I can tell the goverment what I want with out fear, I can gather to yell at the governemnt when they don’t do what I like with out fear and I can pray to who I want with out fear, so different than drug legalization, net neutrality or immagration?
Republicans are what.

As George W. Bush called them, the party of inclusion as if you have to say that out loud like stating you’re not racist and look over both shoulders before you tell a racist joke. Yes, the Republican party is about as inclusive as an Illuminati meeting on the moon, and they rally behind causes that attack those not born with a silver spoon, or at least anything but a rusty or plastic, one in your mouth.
Marijuana legalization, which has proven to decrease overdoses, opioid, fentanyl and heroin addiction and shit I’ll say it is pretty damn fun if used responsibly, is one huge issue.
The “Left Coast” consisting California, Oregon, and Washington with our outlying providence of Colorado has exercised our constitutional right to legalize something but it seems that every Republican is hell-bent on setting a narrative that immoral things should be decided on by the federal government, in which people that live three thousand miles from you can tell you what you can, and can’t do because of a paraphrased book from many epochs ago doesn’t exactly say its ok.
You do not get to pick and choose the democratic scope in which you want to participate when it comes to our constitution, its outlined, vote or don’t and deal. No matter what Chester Cheeto-in-Chief thinks, we live in a society of laws and rules.
Its either delegated to the states, or it stays how it is under congressional law or presidential appointment unless someone figures out how the hell a constitutional conference would work this day in age.
Thank you, Fullerton for listening, and please act to save net neutrality, because when the internet is broken, it may be a lot harder to fix than just rolling back rules.