All students are welcomed to join the transfer center for a workshop on the notable Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG ) program on Monday, Mar. 19, from 12-1 p.m.
California Community Colleges (CCC) and multiple HBCU’s collaborated on an agreement that enables CCC students that complete general academic standards to be granted automatic admission to participating HBCU’s.
This workshop will be presented and hosted by HBCU TAG representative Jovon Duke, who will cover beneficial topics such as special funding, available scholarships, free application fees, housing and more.
“Its awesome because students don’t do anything different as far as academic preparation goes, then what they would be doing for a CSU or UC,” said Brandi Avila, Specialist for Cadena Cultural and Transfer center.

Historically Black Colleges and Universities were initially created to provide education to African-American students. They were built during a time of segregation when people of color were not allowed equal admission to predominantly White colleges.
HBCU’s are known for their outstanding academics, diversity and supportive student environment.
Although these institutions are historically black, the TAG program is an open opportunity for all students.
“Our focus here in the Transfer Center is to let students know what all of their options are so they can really make an empowered decision about where they go, and have control over what type of experience they have,” added Avila.
For further information visit the Cadena Culture & Transfer Center in Room 212 or call (714) 992-7086.