April is National Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
To raise awareness and provide access to a network of support about sexual assault and violence against women and men, Fullerton College will have several activities and events to highlight the importance of this month.
The campus-wide events are free and open to the FC community.
Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Seminar was hosted by the Cadena Cultural Center on Monday, Apr. 9 with guest speaker Susan Leavy, a licensed marriage family therapist.
Leavy explained an abusive relationship and the cycle of violence. As well as how to prevent death from the abuse and how to help a victim in need.
The Clothesline’s Project will be held on Tuesday, Apr. 17 from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the campus quad.
This event is done through the Social Sciences Department where those affected by violent crimes get to express their emotions by decorating a shirt and hanging it on a clothesline to be viewed by others as testimony to the problem of violent crimes.
If interested to participate on the event contact Kelly Nelson-Wright at knelsonwright@fullcoll.edu
Walk in Her Shoes! fundraiser will be held on Tuesday, Apr. 17 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the campus quad.
In this event, FC males get to walk on the quad in a pair of high heels to raise awareness of sexual violence against women. If interested in this event, contact Jodi Balma from the Political Science Department at jbalma@fullcoll.edu as they are seeking more male participants.
Reclaim Your Space event will be hosted by the Ethnic Studies Department on Wednesday, Apr. 25 from 4-5:30 p.m. in the art building room 1018.
Speakers will include Dr. Amber Gonzalez and Chicana/o Studies and Psychology Major Esmeralda Flores where they will hit the topic on building healthy, emotional, physical and mental boundaries for college success.
Vincent White, Cadena Cultural coordinator said, “That various departments have been hosting events which spread awareness about sexual assault and violence against women.
“Each of us were doing different stuff and it all just kind of jelled into ‘let’s all just couch this all under Sexual Assault Awareness Month.'”
This is what inspired White to move Susan Leavy from March to April. Since Leavy originally was the guest speak for women’s history month, she will now give her advice for SAAM.
White continued, “We’re gonna be talking more gender non specific next year.”