Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

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The Hornet

Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

Men were given the oppurtunity to walk in high heels to portray a powerful message

The Walk in Her Shoes event back honored Sexual Assault Awareness month on April 17.

The event gave sexual assault victims a chance to have their voices heard through the use of written messages on various colored shirts indicating the type of assault one has experienced.

Jodi Balma, political science professor and the event coordinator, wanted to give men the chance to participate in a way that showed that not all men are perpetrators of crimes against women.

“When you look at the shirts it’s emotional, it’s overwhelming, and so I wanted something to lighten the mood a little a bit and allow men to participate as allies,” she said. “We have so many incredible allies.”

Walk in Her Shoes
Male participants proudly walking in heels as a symbol of their support towards women and victims of sexual assault. Photo credit: Valerie Sandoval

The quad at Fullerton College became a runway of sorts.

To further show the survivors of assault they are supported by their community, Walk in Her Shoes was started as a way to help shed some light on the allies that support survivors.

Walk in Her Shoes challenges men to walk around the quad in womens’ shoes and experience firsthand what it’s like to walk in heels or wedges.

“It is a very delicate situation,” said Tim Kim, a student participant at Fullerton College. “I am highly impressed by women who wear them, women have amazing balance if they can wear these for a long duration of time.”

Walk in Her Shoes
Male participants continue the walk around the quad. Photo credit: Valerie Sandoval

Several male professors, campus safety members and male students were encouraged to participate and did so when the time came to fit into the women shoes.

Thomas Troung, a third-year communicative disorders major, was just passing by when he saw what was going on and decided to participate.

“I saw all of these guys standing there, and I was shy at first but then I realized that no one is going to care after so I just did it,” he said.

The men began the walk from the middle of the quad and proceeded to march a full circle around the entire quad with many cheers and applauses from the attending crowd members.

Walk in Her Shoes
Male participants pose for a group picture. Photo credit: Valerie Sandoval

“It was so great to see that,” said Shirley Sanchez, first-year communications major “It makes me happy to see our school do amazing events like this and the Clothesline Project.”

For Kim, the main reason he participated in Walk in Her Shoes was a very personal one.

“My main reason for today was my mother,” she said. “She has experienced unfortunate circumstances and I did this for her.”

Walk in Her Shoes
Proudly showing off their heels. Photo credit: Valerie Sandoval

Troung believed the event served its purpose to not only show some of the injustices women face but also to keep a light-hearted feel to such a serious subject.

“Females have been through so much and men don’t really think about this, because we are more privileged,” she said. “We don’t have to wear heels because society doesn’t tell us to and females are told by society they that should wear heels.”