Women who currently work in a government position or have previously done so gathered for a conference hosted by the non-partisan organization California Women Lead.
They were joined by women who are the CEO of their companies, sponsors and women from businesses who sent them to the conference to network and learn more about empowered women and how important it is to be a working women, especially in the government.

“This conference is important because we wanted to provide an opportunity for women from all over California, from diverse backgrounds and diverse age groups to talk about their leadership journey and inspire them,” said Rachel Michelin, CEO of CA Women Lead.
Governor of California Jerry Brown made history during his first term almost 45 years ago when he was approached by a group of qualified women to be sure that at least 50 percent of qualified women are appointed and Brown has consistently maintained that level of equality.

The organization has a term limit of two years for those on the board so there is room for new women to join and participate in a higher position.
The conference was in the works for 6 months to a year before Thursday, Apr. 26 and, “Rachel worked meticulously to insure everything was planned perfectly,” said Mona Pasquil Rogers, Vice- President of CA Women Lead.

They also have a group called The Network, which is smaller and made up of about 50 to 60 women. It is compiled from C-Suite women.
“If you’re not familiar with that term it means the most senior people in a company like CEO’s, CFO’s, COO and CIO,” said Cassandra Pye, State board President of CA Women Lead.
“Mona is appointment secretary, we had the governor’s chief of staff on the board before she passed away,” said Cassandra Pye, State board President of CA Women Lead. “And the good thing about this board is that sometimes women in positions of power just want to have a conversation with someone who is dealing with the exact same thing.”

CA Women Lead helps prepare women to become appointed into positions of government.
When companies partner with this organization they send women who work in their company to invest in them by allowing them to network and learn and they will pay for the two to three day conference.

“Our organization, PG&E is a sponsor of CA Women Lead and it’s been a great partnership, great opportunity to talk to women who are running for office and empower them,” said Lynsey Paulo, Senior Manager with Pacific Gas and Electric.
The conference rooms were filled with women who have worked hard to get where they are and they all had wisdom to share from their experiences being a woman in a man’s world.

“It is encouragement, it is empowerment and it’s also a place to find strength and find people who will be in your corner,” said Rogers.
There are many opportunities for empowered women to get involved and take advantage of the membership and networking, to learn more visit their website.