Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

The Hornet

Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

Let’s celebrate Cinco de Mayo, but what is it?

May 5th, or what most people refer to it as, Cinco De Mayo, is wildly interpreted as a celebration of Mexican culture and heritage, in areas with a large Mexican-American populations.

Cinco De Mayo is the day in which the Mexican army claimed victory over France at the Battle of Puebla during the French-Mexican War of 1862.

According to, “The battle lasted from daybreak to early evening, and when the French finally retreated they had lost nearly 500 soldiers. Fewer than 100 Mexicans had been killed in the clash.”

Not to be mistaken as Mexican Independence Day, which is on Sept. 16, Cinco De Mayo was established more than 50 years before the Battle of Puebla occurred.

In Mexico, May 5 is just like any other day of the week. Its not a federal holiday, so banks and stores remain open. However, in the United states, traditions are a bit different in the sense that most Americans are looking for particular reasons to celebrate by drinking margaritas and beer.

“I forgot Cinco De Mayo was this weekend, but I will definitely partake in it and head to downtown Pasadena because they have the best food and drinks out there,” said FC student Jessie Mancha.

On this day, around the United States Cinco De Mayo is honored with an abundance of parades, parties, mariachi music, Mexican folk dancing and foods such as tacos, burritos, mole poblano and chips and salsa.

“I know that Cinco De Mayo is not a national holiday, and that it was victory that was formed after the Battle of Puebla. I do not have a specific restaurant that i am going to, but I will definitely make sure to celebrate with food and some margaritas. I’m down to go to any place that has happy hour,” stated FC student Bulu Bhargava.

Some of the biggest festivals are held in locations such as Los Angeles, Chicago, and Houston.

“Cinco De Mayo eve is my birthday, so I will definitely start to celebrate all the way into Saturday and maybe end it on Sunday. My family is planning a little birthday party thing for me tomorrow which is all the more reason to celebrate Cinco De Mayo,” said architect professor Tommy Reyes.