The FC campus theatre was packed to capacity with students and faculty eager to listen to Tim Wise, who was scheduled to speak around 6 p.m. Wise who is best known for his written works that speak out against racism and bigotry, argued with with an FC technology professor following his speech.
Wise allowed the audience to ask him questions after his speech and that’s when it started getting confrontational. An unidentified man claiming he is an FC professor from the technology department rushed over and said, “all these problems you stated, I’m kind of curious because I never really heard you provide any real solutions.”

“We learn lessons from prior movements and we still have a lot of work left to get done,” Wise said.
The professor argued back stating, “we passed the civil rights, we freed the slaves.” The crowd however, was angered by the remarks the professor said and gave Wise the chance to respond.
Wise was applauded after saying, “We did not do shit, the slaves did, the slaves freed themselves. The idea that racism being resolved is absurd because there are laws against murder but people still get killed. The mere practice of law does not change practice.”
The conversation continued to go back and forth until the professor was jeered by the audience, causing campus safety to escort him out of the theatre.
Wise has written seven books centered around racism and white supremacy and has spoken on over 1,000 school campuses. He recognizes in his speech that he has “white male privilege” and that he uses that to advocate against it.
The event was anticipated and some students were even required to participate as part of their class curriculum.
Local FC Professor in Chicano studies Jose Zamora brought his two classes to watch Wise in action.
“It’s relevant to the curriculum, relevant to what we talk about in class and we’re gonna watch a documentary by him later in the semester so I thought it would be fitting,” said Zamora.
After the commotion settled down the night ended with Wise signing DVD’s and students getting the opportunity to take photos with the writer.
HECTOR • Dec 2, 2018 at 8:23 am
Liberalism is a mental disorder! I AGREE!!!! I was there that night Tim Wise is a Tool and used by the liberal party as a weapon….. the thing that is sad about this is that teachers make it a requirement to come to these bias lectures…. shame on FC bring in both sides to the students. I truly thought this was a place of higher education. #MAKECALIFORNIAGREATAGAIN
David • Nov 25, 2018 at 10:19 am
This was the most disgusting speech I have ever heard. How is it okay to discriminate against people solely based on their skin color? Why is okay to hate white people? You liberal professor have lost your minds along with the Fullerton College administration for inviting this clown to brainwash young adults. When is Candace Owens going to be allowed to speak on campus? I’m currently a student on campus and only attended for the extra credit. Liberalism is a mental disorder!