Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

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The Hornet

Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

Bon Appetit at Crepes Bonaparte’s in Downtown Fullerton

Along with the large variety of food options Fullerton locals have close by, Crepes Bonaparte is an option that should be taken into serious consideration when choosing your next food destination.

Crepes are a fluffy delight. Similar to pancakes, they can be filled or topped with fruit or syrup. There are also a variety of savory options from breakfast and dessert. The most popular options have a star in the upper left side of their menu.

One of the most popular dishes recommended by staff Member Judie Roche is the Cinnamon Sugar Crepe. A simple, but delicious menu item.

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Crepes Bonaparte current menu October 2018. Photo credit: Jazlyn Morales
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Employee Junie Roche in the process of making a crepe. Photo credit: Jazlyn Morales

The “HazelBerryAna” is another popular dessert crepe that has fresh fruit placed on top of a Nutella spread. With powdered sugar and whipped cream on top that makes all the flavors blend in.

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HazelBerryAna Crepe - Fresh strawberry, sliced banana and Nutella topped with whipped cream and a chocolate drizzle. Photo credit: Jazlyn Morales

Crepes Bonaparte has had success for some time now with their food truck but the edge that this new restaurant has is its ambiance. Employee Junie Roche says that she enjoys the open and friendly environment the restaurant offers as well as the French music that sets the scene.

Not only do you get to enjoy eating your choice of crepe, but also watch as they make your crepe by a glass window. They prepare the crepe and add its ingredients in front of you, giving you a front row experience in watching the whole process of how it’s made. The restaurant also has an indoor and an outdoor section that is a pet friendly.

After living in the area for almost 30 years, Fullerton locals Ron Surprenant and his wife Faith have noticed the new restaurant. They tried the “Caprese” (a roasted tomato, seasoned chicken, mozzarella and garlic pesto) and the “No Joke Artichoke” (seasoned chicken, creamy parmesan-spinach blend, artichoke heart and crunchy walnuts). The couple said it was too good to be true and that they’re glad to have a new restaurant option nearby to enjoy.

The outside of the new Crepes Bonapate restaurant. Photo credit: Jazlyn Morales
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Weekday special offer 10% off order when customers bring their dog with them. Photo credit: Jazlyn Morales

Fullerton College students are also excited about the new restaurant.

Psychology major Shane Dela Cruz said, “from the french berets and great hospitality they make you feel at home. It’s a delicacy right in Fullerton.”

Also, many foodies coming to Crepes Bonaparte at night for a late night snack can now enjoy the “Crepe Flambé” Halloween special for the month of October known as the “Crepe-y Crawly” crepe which is a festive new dessert.

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Crepes Bonaparte Halloween special the Crepe-y Crawly Crepe, a new festive option. Photo credit: Jazlyn Morales
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New $2 night flambe option at Crepes Bonaparte. Photo credit: Jazlyn Morales

This new restaurant was able to reach out to new audiences as well as offer a stable source of crepes for the community. There are sure to be more newcomers as well as the original loyal customers coming in throughout the course of the year to experience these delicious crepes.