October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and the national campaign aims to highlight the impact, detection and treatment of breast cancer.
The Fullerton Firefighters Association’s (FFA) Pink Project, holds their annual pinktober fundraising campaign during the month of October. The funds raised are donated to cancer awareness and research in search for a cure for breast cancer.
This marks the seventh year that the pink project hosted this event and each year the project creates a new slogan. The slogan for this year is, “Heroes Come in All Sizes.”
All of the funds raised by the FFA during their pinktober camping will be donated to Children’s Oncology Group in honor of AJ, the son of Jay Wisniewski, who is an engineer for the Fullerton Fire Department.
Throughout October, the FFA Pink Project announced the return of the pink fire truck. The usual red fire engine is changed to pink both inside and outside as a “rolling tribute” for those affected by this disease.

The FFA’s website, ffdpinkproject.org, includes pinktober merchandise for purchase and a calendar of events that will be held throughout the month. The fire truck will be stationed at Fullerton Farmer’s Market every Thursday for the entire month of October. The farmer’s market is held at the Fullerton Downtown Plaza, 125 E Wilshire Ave. from 4 p.m.- 9 p.m.
The FFA’s Instagram page, fullerton_fighters, is updated throughout the year with photos of the firefights at work in addition to the pinktober events.
During October, Fullerton’s police department wear special patches as part of the Pink Patch Project. The project redesigns police uniform patches in pink for celebration and commemoration of breast cancer awareness.

The Pink Patch Project states, “It is a public awareness campaign designed to bring attention to the fight against breast cancer.” The project includes police departments in and around the Los Angeles area, including Orange County. This is the third year that Fullerton’s police department has participated in the campaign.
The pink patches, worn by the officers, can be purchased for 10 dollars each by civilians. The year’s patch is designed after those worn by the police department during the 1940s and 1950s.
Fullerton police department announced on their website that in addition to the patch, a pink patch key chain is also available for purchase. The cost of the key chain is 5 dollars with proceeds from both items going to St Jude’s Kathryn T. McCarty Breast Center in Fullerton.
“It touches a lot of people… and it is also important to spread awareness of early detection,” said Foreign language professor Bryan Lewshenia, whose family has been affected by breast cancer.

Pink is the internationally recognized color for breast cancer awareness. Evelyn Lauder, who died in 2011, co-created the pink colored ribbon as a symbol for breast cancer. Lauder founded Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF) in 1993. Lauder told female.com.au, “early detection saves lives,” in a 2011 interview.
A mammogram is a X-ray of the breast tissue and is used by doctors to detect potential cancer. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates that women who have a family history of breast cancer may be considered at high risk for breast cancer. It is recommended that women who may fall into the high risk category meet with their doctor to discuss treatment.
The American Cancer Society at cancer.gov, advises that women who are at average risk of developing Brest cancer should have a yearly mammogram beginning at the age of 45.
“The importance of receiving mammograms … should be stressed more to women,” said Viviana Perez, political science major.
Even with the yearly national campaign breast cancer has not been cured. The CDC reported that between 1999 and 2015, the number of newly reported breast cancer cases continued to increased.
The CDC at CDC.gov, used data from the entire nation and found that breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, no matter your race or ethnicity in the United States.
For information on breast cancer detection or questions regarding potential risk factors the Susan G Komen foundation offers a hotline 877-465-6636 and email [email protected] to communicate with a trained specialist for free.