On Sunday Oct. 28 the applied voice students had their semi-annual concert at the recital hall. There was a total of eighteen performers who showed the wide range of talent that Fullerton College has to offer, from the high sopranos to the low baritones this show demonstrated that Fullerton’s talented music department is a show worth watching.
Walking into the Recital Hall, the stage is lit purple with a grand piano on stage left and a singular pillar with some white flowers to set the scene.
To start the show director of the classical voice studies, Aram Barsamian, gave the audience a brief overview of what the past few months have been like for these advanced students.

This voice concert is a specific performance given by the applied voice students who have to audition to be a part of this program.
This program gives student the opportunity to have a private one on one class given once a week for fifty minutes with one of the many talented music professors at Fullerton College and the accompanist on the piano Dr. Clara Cheng-Stosch. This program prepares students to train and improve their voices and sing in front of audiences.
Along with the variety of voices and students, there was bound to be a variety of song choices. The students are allowed to choose their own songs to perform and with all the songs being operatic, many aren’t in english with the majority being in italian.The performer gives a brief translation of the song to let the audience know the emotion and story behind it.

Despite the language difference “At the end of the day, all music is about is normal everyday human emotion which never changes” said FC Voice Professor Susan Montgomery.
The performers were very animated and sang their songs filled with passion and emotion.
“I think it’s important to keep your ears open to different types of style in arts and music. I think it’s so important to expose yourself to [new types of music] and it’s a good way to feel communication between the performer and the audience instead of listening to it on headphones. Seeing a live performance always gives you a different type of atmosphere,” said performer Voice major Sarina Garcia-Prieto.
After seeing all the performers on stage for their final bow, it is evident the commonality that this group has is passion.

Music majors Zuleyma Oropeza and Anotino Serrano, who had arguably the funniest songs of the night, they talked about how much time went into practicing their pieces and the multiple critiques and work went into the songs they performed.
There will be another performance from the applied voice department next semester so keep an eye out for an opera performance on February first and second which will have many of the applied voice students performing.
For more information go to: http://music.fullcoll.edu/index.php
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