Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

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The Hornet

Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

Wednesday Health: Could a change in weather mean a change in your health?

Many students worry they are at risk of becoming sick due to the change in weather, but really it might just be allergies.

This past winter there was consistent rain which helped out all of the trees, flowers and greenery. Due to the rain, spring is in full bloom and all the trees are filled with pollen.

The weather outside can certainly significantly influence how we feel. Not by as much as most people think and not the same way in everyone. But enough to make a difference,” professor of medicine Merlin Thomas said.

The weather may not be the only cause of one becoming sick or thinking you are sick, but it can play a role in our health. When it’s raining and cold we tend to stay inside, while in the spring we are outside and socialize a lot more.

Enjoying the flowers of spring may look pretty but cause some to start to feel a little under the weather. Photo credit: google

Keep in mind with the rain being so prevalent this past winter that does bring more trees and flowers in bloom.

“Seasonal allergic rhinitis is sometimes called “hay fever,” but people with seasonal allergic rhinitis do not have to have a fever and do not have to be exposed to hay to develop this condition. It is an allergic reaction to pollen from trees, grasses and weeds which occurs in spring and fall,” according to Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America.

Some people who are constantly sneezing or feeling congested while outside may be suffering from allergies. It’s not a cold or the flu just the extra pollen in the air causing these reactions to happen.

Therefore our bodies need to adjust to the environmental changes. Allergies are not usually a surprise this time of year so here’s how to avoid allergies or keep them under control.

Heath is important and should be a priority, having regular check ups will help you stay healthy no matter the season or time of year. Photo credit: Google

The AAFA states it’s important to take note of what is causing you to feel sick or have allergies. What time of year and where. If it’s indoors it may be because of dust and lack of cleaning inside or if it’s outside due to the weather and pollen. You will need to find which allergy medicine is the best fit for you.

Some symptoms you may notice or not have realized are correlated with allergies: runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, wheezing, shortness of breath, itchiness in the nose and eye area, cough, rashes, fatigue or headaches.

Asthma symptoms can be also be triggered by exposure to an allergen such as ragweed, pollen, and dust mites. More than 26 million Americans have asthma. This is 8.3 percent of adults and 8.3 percent of children, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The best way to avoid these and stay healthy this time is to avoid touching or rubbing your nose, wash bed sheets and linens, always wash hands frequently thought out the day. Wear sunglasses and a hat to avoid pollen getting in to your eyes, keep windows closed and use your air conditioner while driving and at home.

Being informed is a key part in staying healthy.

“I was starting to think I was only sick if I went outside and never thought I had allergies since it hadn’t been a problem for me during previous springs” said Marvin Ramirez, anthropology student at Fullerton College.

When students are informed they can get the medicine or help they need. We all know this winter had a lot more rain then we are used to and don’t make the connection that it leads to more trees and flowers causing more to suffer from allergies.

If you find yourself having more symptoms outside around certain trees or plants make sure to avoid them if possible or plan ahead and have medicine ready so you can enjoy your spring semester.