Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

  • The Hornet and Inside Fullerton are on summer break and will return on August 26, 2024. Please send any tips or inquiries to Jessica Langlois at [email protected].

The Hornet

Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

Come join the community for a day of fun at Love Fullerton 2019

Love Fullerton is less than a day away and it’s not too late to sign up and serve your community. This allows volunteers of all ages and backgrounds to support each other while making improvements to their community.

Love Fullerton volunteers
Make a difference in your community Saturday, May 4 at the Love Fullerton event. Photo credit: Love Fullerton

Love Fullerton is a city wide event that brings city government, local businesses, residents, the faith community, service groups, schools and sport organizations all together in one community event.

This year’s Love Fullerton will be Star Wars themed since it lands on May 4. The event will start off with a morning meet up with free food and beverages at 8 a.m. at Downtown Fullerton’s Plaza 129 E Wilshire Ave.

From their everyone will break off to aid with the many projects happening all around the city of Fullerton. Some of these projects include a blood drive, city clean ups, encouragement groups, a food bank and so much more.

Love Fullerton volunteers garden at a past event to help their community. Photo credit: Love Fullerton

This is a fantastic way to get in touch with the community of Fullerton.

More information will be given by each project leader prior to the beginning of the service.

At 12:30 p.m. everyone is to meet back up for a free lunch after party held in the quad at Fullerton College. Parking will be available in the Fullerton College parking structure just off of Lemon Street.

If you’re interested in servicing your community contact a project leader for more information.