Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

  • The Hornet and Inside Fullerton are on summer break and will return on August 26, 2024. Please send any tips or inquiries to Jessica Langlois at [email protected].

The Hornet

Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

Tips for surviving those dreaded final exams

Finals are here and students are cramming as much information as possible to pass their exams. It is a stressful time for all students which can lead to late night study sessions and restless nights.

Here are some tips to use when preparing for your final exams.

First, review your notes from the study guide the professors hand out, highlight key items that will be presented on the test. Look back on your notes and create a study guide that will help you remember the content easier.

Listening to music also helps you study, by having noise in the background it will help you focus and will drown out any distractions. Leave your music on shuffle, or a playlist that does not create distractions for yourself.

Eat a healthy snack during your study sessions, put the junk food away and bring out healthy snacks like trail mix, fruit, or a smoothie.

Finding the perfect study spot is key when preparing for finals. You don’t want to study where you can be too comfortable and be easily distracted. Going to the library is a common place but finding somewhere outside like the park is a great way to not feel so confined.

Get Rest, cramming the night before is sometimes a last resort but do not stay up all night just to study. Your body needs rest and staying up all night can lead to the possibility of oversleeping or falling asleep during your final.

When getting ready for finals it is important not to overload yourself. Find sometime to destress by taking a 15 minute break from studying. Doing other activities, such as walking your dog can help ease the stress of finals.

Don’t let the stress and anxiety get to you, stopping for a few minutes can give you time to reflect about what you have reviewed. Meditation can also help regain focus after feeling overwhelmed.

Good luck Hornets.