Warner Brothers Studio’s “It Chapter Two” brings the Loser’s Club back to the big screen to combat their childhood demon, Pennywise the Clown.
After the success of previous movie which reached a worldwide gross of $700,422,963 in the box office. Though a horror film this movie delivers much of the same material its predecessor did in 2017.
Andy Muschietti once again returns as the director of the movie, placing transitions with a very unique style and perfect timing as he progresses in the story of the film.
The use of the lighting Muschietti uses in the movie really sets the stage for the scenes and the use of a consistent overcast skyline to remind the viewer what kind of movie you are watching.
The effects used in this movie are not over bearing as the use of practical effects and CGI brings this gruesome story to life in tandem. Muschietti’s use of the younger cast to reiterate the fears of the now older versions of the character creates an imaginative way to relive their struggle.

Benjamin Wallfisch’s brings the terror to life with an astounding accompanying score. Well placed use of winds, strings and drums builds the suspense and really gets the heart pounding.
This coming of age story touches the root of the impact holding onto childhood fears. This cast does a fantastic job of staying true to the casting and characters from the previous films.
Bill Skarsgard once again steps into the role of Pennywise and delivers. The audience can definitely tell Skarsgard has put in the work and effort to make his portrayal of the character, unique to Tim Curry’s performance in the 1990’s “It”. Providing a constant eerie presence even when not on screen.
With much of the cast returning, we now see James McAvoy as an older Bill Benbrough. McAvoy and returning young actor Jaeden Martell do a great job as they portray this character with frequent flashbacks throughout the film.
Jessica Chastain’s performance was just what a person would expect from a star of her caliber. She really captured the image of Beverly Marsh and brought her to life.

Bill Hader in his first horror movie role as the aged Richie Tozier. Hader brings his own personal touch to the character while doing a great job reflecting his younger counter part Finn Wolfhard.
With frequent scenes to make you jump and others that build an eerie suspense which provides and underlying presence throughout the movie. The dialog between the characters often lightens up the mood, much like it did in the previous film, however this never really impacts the frightening gory scenes within the movie.
Halloween is just around the corner this is the perfect movie to get ready for the season.