Originally written for publishing on March 5, 2013. Bike Nation is coming to the City of Fullerton in cooperation with Orange County Transportation Authority. There will be new bike stations placed in Fullerton in different locations around the city that the public can rent. This will be done with the help of funding of $1.48 million dollars.The money for this service comes from a grant from the federal government and the local Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Review Committee grant. This will help to fund the first two years and set up of each of the stations. Memberships will be available for purchase for three day, weekly, monthly, yearly and yearly student/senior rentals. Pricing for all these options is yet to be determined until future notice. University of California Irvine was the first college in the nation and in Orange County to adopt this program. Anaheim is also planning to bring this to their city. “We looked at a number of systems around the nation, including both large and small systems in Boulder, Denver, and Miami. All of these have been successful,” said Laura Scheper, Media Relations, Orange County Transportation Authority. This past November the OCTA gave a contract to Bike Nation to agree to bringing this service to the city of Fullerton. The process of planning began as early as July 2011. “When OCTA began planning for the program, we conducted a country wide review and concluded that Fullerton would provide the best environment,” said Scheper.The stations will be at CSUF, Fullerton College, Hope International, Fullerton Transportation Center and the Downtown section of Fullerton. “BIke share programs will take cars off the road, easing traffic and improving the environment. Also provides the last mile connection for people from the train station/ transit hub to their final destination,” said Scheper.Bike stations expected to begin use in summer 2013.