The general education requirements for the Fullerton College AA and AS degrees are changing. The new requirements are planned to take affect with the fall 2020 semester and will be listed in the 2020-2021 catalog.
The definitions and class requirements within the GE section were changed in order to clarify the core areas and types of courses appropriate for each area. The goal was to make it easier for students to compete the courses needed without having to take any unnecessary classes.

The title of area A is being changed from Language and Rationality, to Language and Reasoning. This contains two sections, written communication and analytical thinking.
Area D1 and D2, which are under the social and behavioral sciences section, have been renamed to Social, Political and Economic institutions in Historical and Cultural Context and Theory and Research in Individual, and Group Behavior.
The main change is the addition of area E, which will be labeled self-development and lifelong learning. The description states that it is, “designed to equip learners for lifelong understanding and development of themselves.” This additional area can be filled from subjects that cover, human behavior, nutrition, social relationships and stress management and was developed to mirror the California State University system definition.
Although a new section is being added, the total amount of units needed will remain at 24.
The Curriculum Committee, which is made up of faculty representing all departments, has been working on the revision for over one year.
The Faulty Senate met and discussed the proposed changes with the intent of voting on approval during their Thursday, Oct. 17 meeting.
Members received the changes to review and share with their department prior to the meeting, but most in attendance stated that they did not have enough time to complete this task.
In addition, there were two amendments to the new requirements that were distributed at the meeting. The changes were additional verbiage added for clarification to area E and A1 of the general education requirements.
Due to the recent changes and the need for more time to review with their department, the Senate motioned to move the vote until the next meeting. The Faulty Senate meets again on Thursday, Nov. 7 at 3 p.m. in the Faculty lounge in building 1200.