Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

  • The Hornet and Inside Fullerton are on summer break and will return on August 26, 2024. Please send any tips or inquiries to Jessica Langlois at [email protected].

The Hornet

Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

Campus Safety will help you to your destination safely

A Fullerton College service that is provided by the campus safety, helps keep its students and faculty safe. Campus Safety has an escort service that will accompany those who feel uneasy or who have medical issues to their class and even to their car.

“You can call them whenever you need them and they will escort you to the car,” said Malik Gailes, a business and real state major.

Fullerton College Campus Safety patrol car. Photo credit: Sayel Abousamra

The idea of the Campus Safety escort service was enacted in the early 1980s. In September and October of 1982,16 counts of petty theft, burglary and grand theft were reported on campus. There was also a rape reported that year. The service idea was in response to a rise in criminal activity.

Campus Safety is available 24/7, 365 days a year. You can request the escort service at any time you are on the campus. The service is not offered outside the campus property.

When requesting a Campus Safety escort by telephone, the nearest officer will go to the requested location and provide an escort. It is recommended for students to put the emergency number on speed dial.

The emergency hotline number is (714) 992-7777. The non-emergency number is (714) 992-7080, extension 0.

If an emergency happens on campus, calling the emergency hotline will have a Campus Safety officer at the location faster than calling 911. Campus Safety patrol the campus non-stop and are very familiar with the campus.

During an emergency, students should know their location to provide to Campus Safety. If the location is unknown, look for a map or sign close by.

For those that don’t have access to a phone, you can look for the blue emergency phones that are located throughout the campus. If a phone is not viewable nearby, maps are placed around the campus that indicate the locations of the phones.


The FC campus map shows emergency phones located throughout campus. Photo credit: Fullerton College

The Campus Safety staff members are highly trained and some are bilingual in Spanish.

A helpful tip for students to ensure their safety and the safety of others is, to always be aware of their surroundings and location. Also, look around to see if there is someone who looks suspicious or out of place.

For those willing to carry a self-defense device, pepper spray and alarm fobs can be purchased at the bookstore. The alarm fobs make a loud noise to let people know of a person’s location. Both are encouraged to be carried and are always available at the bookstore.

For evening or late classes, it is best to park in areas that have a lot of light. Also, always take walking routes that are busy and well-lit. Keep away from walking routes that are dark and look isolated.

The Campus Safety department’s main mission is to keep the people and property on campus safe at all times. Call Campus Safety if you see any suspicious activity or person. To ensure the safety of the campus, if you notice something, say something.