Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

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The Hornet

Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

FC Disability Support Services can help students in need

The Disability Support Services (DSS) is a student program at Fullerton College that if eligible, students with a learning disability or physical disabilities can go to on campus for help.

“The support that DSS and Adaptive Computer Lab (ACL) provide is invaluable for students, as it ensures access and equal opportunity for students with diverse abilities to pursue their educational goals and beyond,” said DSS ACL instructor Corinne Haynes.

To become a DSS student, the first step is to apply to Fullerton College. Once the FC application is completed, a request for DSS accommodations can begin.

The first step to apply is by selecting one of the following categories: New Students, High School Students and Transfer Students.

Next, the page will open to the step-by-step process along with the Disability Verification form that can be downloaded.

Currently around 1400 students are enrolled in DSS. There are a variety of different services available for students and their needs.

Photo taken by the front entrance of the DSS Department / Office Hours provided Photo credit: Roxanne Reeves


The DSS Office provides students with skills and devices to help exceed in their academic journey. A few, but not all, of the available services include: academic counseling, adaptive classroom furniture and an adaptive computer lab (ACL).

Alternate Media Specialist Cory Thomas is the person to go to if someone is visually impaired, hard of hearing or has a learning disability. She can provide students with information and answer questions or concerns.

Thomas also works with students who need assistance with alternate media, such as audio, Braille, closed captioning, electronic text and more. Students can also get to know more about alternate media by attending a training sessions on the specific platforms. The offered sessions training for electronic text, Kurtzweil, Learning Ally and more.

To request media accommodations students must register for classes through MyGateway, then provide their class schedule to the DSS office one week prior to classes beginning.

The next step will be an Alternate Media Request form which is turned into Thomas. The form by it self can be found on the DSS website, under the accommodations tab, the form will be under Alternate Media Requests.

Interpreting Resources:

Heather Skratulia is the interpreter coordinator on campus. Students can find her in the DSS offices, Monday through Thursday from 9:30 a.m.-noon and 12:30-4:30 p.m.

In order to receive interpretation assistance, students will have to make an appointment with a DSS counselor. The counselor will go over the goals and needs required during their time at Fullerton.

Testing Accommodations:

For any questions or concerns about test taking, the DSS office can be reached by phone at 714-992-7127 or email at [email protected]

For exam or quiz assistance students must make an appointment two weeks prior to the date needed. This also includes online tests as well. For online students a digital or printed copy will need to be sent the DSS, also two weeks prior.

The Adaptive Computer Lab:

The Adaptive Computer Lab is located in the 800 building, in room 804.

The lab has everything a student needs to do their work, study for a quiz or exam and to simply do homework.

The DSS adaptive computer lab is located in building 800, room 840. The lab provides students with academic and computer assistance. Photo credit: Roxanne Reeves

Every student who enrolls into the ACL has to spend a certain amount of hours in the lab. The number is based on how many of credits they are enrolled in for the semester.

For students who need help with their academics, DSS students can get that extra support in the ACL lab. ACL supports students who need extra help in their classes and computer assistance. This lab is only for students who are enrolled with the DSS.

“Students are offered one-on-one tutoring for their academic courses and have the opportunity to attend specialized workshops and trainings to achieve academic, career and personal success,” Haynes said.

Sensus Access:

Sensus is a robotic document that allows students to transfigure their files or assignments into different forms.

To access Sensus, there is a three step process: upload their document, select a format, and enter an email address. The student would then receive an email back from the school with the needed document attached.

Physical Accommodations:

To request adaptive furniture such as a wheelchair table, accommodating padding, adjustable chair, or a chair with or without arms. Students will need to go to the DSS office and fill out the request form for the type of accommodations are needed.

Fullerton College offers students a lot of resources for them to succeed in their classes and majors. Some resources are, service dogs, the Academic Support Center, Veteran’s Resource Center and more.

The DSS also assists students with employment opportunities, a college escort and so much more. DSS also awards scholarships to students. Applications for the available scholarships are located in the DSS office.

The DSS Offices are open on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Tuesday 8 a.m.-7 p.m. and Friday 8 a.m.-12 p.m. for walk-ins. DSS is located in building 800, Room 842, which is behind the library.

New, future and current students can also contact DSS by phone at 714-992-7099 or via email, [email protected].