Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

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The Hornet

Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

Wellness Wednesday: Are You Eating Well?

According to The Center of Science in the Public Interest, approximately 678,000 people die each year due to an unhealthy diet.

Food is a powerful source that contributes to proper body and mind function. Obtaining the correct nutrients to fuel your body is vital to living a long and healthy life.

Medical News Today, an online platform orchestrated by doctors and nutritionists, explains nutrition as the beneficial characteristics in food. For reference, some of these may be fiber, proteins or minerals like potassium.

Oatmeal, topped with bananas and cinnamon. Photo credit: Lauren Pacheco

Vitamins are another helpful source found in common foods like spinach. This green vegetable has an abundance of vitamin K; a vitamin related to blood regulation. Blood clotting, bone metabolism and calcium levels are also contributing factors to vitamin K.

Nourishment from food provides a multitude of benefits: brain development, body ability and energy.

Medical News Today informs of diseases and illnesses that can be prevented when getting the right nourishment from food. Some of these include reducing risk to cancer, diabetes and obesity.

While many view a healthy diet as portion sizing, calorie counting and low-carb meals, there is much more. Being mindful of the nourishment is principal to healthy eating habits.

Red Apples carry fiber, magnesium, vitamin k, calcium, and more. Photo credit: Lauren Pacheco

A country-wide survey, preformed by Statistica, asked adults why they changed their eating habits from good to bad. The statistics show that 54.5% of people changed their eating habits to protect their long term health, and 56% to loose weight.

“Dieting” is a term that is often confused with nourishment and health. Most people switch to healthy diets in order to loose weight, but are often conflicted when it comes to the food they eat.

Situations like these all draw back to a common idea- quality over quantity.

For instance, one or two rice cakes for breakfast is not a healthy diet, even if attempting to loose pounds or inches. In fact, a meal consisting of eggs, avocado, and a banana will provide fullness, nourishment, energy and a burning metabolism.

A meal like this may seem like a lot to someone dieting, but there is a right and wrong way to fully living out a healthy and well balanced lifestyle.

In today’s culture, there has been a multitude of awareness and attention brought to the idea of health. There are more resources online like recipes, meal-plans and even food eateries that serve nutrient-rich dishes.

An important thing to remember is that what you eat truly matters; there is significance in each meal.