Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

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The Hornet

Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

Hornets eagerly explore club options at semi-annual Club Rush

Today, students storm the quad to sign up for clubs at Club Rush hosted by the A.S. With 27 clubs at the Fullerton College quad coming together to try to get the students involved with clubs, many students were eager to join.

“Club Rush is held each semester in which it promotes student involvement,” said Stephanie Rodriguez, Student Services Specialist of A.S. “Students tend to do better in school if they’re involved in clubs,” she added.

Kennedy Devries, the president of the French Club was energetic and excited for new members signing up for the French Club. The French Club will have Foreign Exchange Students coming Feb. 26, from 3-4 p.m. “Having a French Club is different from an actual French class because it is really important to understand not only the language but also the people speaking the language,” said Devries.

Kennedy Devries, club president excited for new member Photo credit: Alexis Lopez

The Muslim Student Association is a club that provides a community for Muslims in Fullerton College to feel comfortable and safe on campus. “Understanding each other will definitely make us have acceptance as well as making everyone happy on campus,” said Bahaa Saleh, the vice president of the M.S.A. They are yet to determine the meeting times, but will soon let members know.

Not only are there cultural clubs at Fullerton College, but there are also clubs for students to be involved with their community. The Sociology Club helps with food collections, women shelters, and is considered a service club. They meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at the 1400 Building, Room 1429 from 1:30-2:30 p.m.

Students for Equitable Sustainability(S.E.S.) is an environmental-based club that gets students involved and advocates environmental awareness. The S.E.S. invites students to open discussions about the environment. They also plant trees at a native garden in Fullerton and participate in climate strikes to bring awareness. The S.E.S meets on Wednesdays in the quad at 4 p.m.

Students for Equitable Sustainability promoting club at club rush. Photo credit: Alexis Lopez

Maria Adame is a student at Fullerton College and she states that her personal experience influenced her decision to sign up for the S.O.B.E.R. Club. “This club is a place where you can grow connections and you can learn to find yourself,” said Adame.

One of the new clubs this year is The Bee Army. Alejandro Soto, the organizer of the club, is a beekeeper and began his interest in bees four years ago. He wanted to bring awareness of bees to students.

Alejandro Soto explaining about the Bee Army to Michael Sanchez Photo credit: Alexis Lopez

Not only did students show interest in this club, so did the professors of Fullerton College. Gary Graves, a Business professor, showed up at the booth because bees are one of his interests. He signed up because he wanted to do something with bees. Considering how the bee population is decreasing rapidly. “I consider myself an entrepreneur and believe that bees are the most productive insects,” said Graves.

For more information on clubs please visit the Student Life & Leadership center in the 200 building or check out their website at