Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

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The Hornet

Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

Coronavirus leaves minimal impact on Orange County while influenza spreads

Many still are unsure or uninformed on what exactly is the coronavirus. It’s a new respiratory virus that has not been identified nor has the source been identified. It originated as a pneumonia outbreak in Wuhan, China.

Picture provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in January 2020 showing the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Photo credit: CDC

It rapidly spread and currently there are more than 1,100 deaths reported and rising. The majority of deaths have occurred at the epicenter of where the virus originated. Some symptoms that have been reported to occur are fever, cough and trouble breathing.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it is “believed to have emerged from an animal source but now seems to be spreading from person-to-person.”

The World Health Organization renamed the new coronavirus: COVID-19, which is an acronym that stands for coronavirus disease 2019. The goal was for the name to not reference any animals, people, or places since a source of the illness has not yet been identified.

precautions on COVID-19
Precautions being taken on the new COVID-19 to prevent further exposure during research Photo credit: Getty Images

Currently, it is still unknown how easily the virus is being spread. According to Nichole Quick of the Orange County Public Health Care Agency, “There has been one known case of the novel coronavirus in Orange County and the risk is considered to be low in Orange County and throughout the United States.” Quick goes on to say that there has been no evidence that it has spread. The patient diagnosed with the proposed COVID-19 is said to be isolated but in good health. No further details will be given except that they are not a public threat.

Science is constantly changing. According to Quick, new evidence shows that the virus does not live long on surfaces. Experts now say COVID-19 is most likely being spread through coughing or sneezing.

As a result, Fullerton College is following the CDC’s model and advising students that although the risk is low to contract the coronavirus locally, it is best to take precautions such as:

– Covering your cough or sneeze with a tissue or sleeve.

– Handwashing with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

– Staying home when feeling symptoms of illness.

– Disinfecting frequently touched surfaces.

– Avoid contact of the hands, mouth or eyes with unwashed hands.

“Generally, we should take precautions to protect ourselves from airborne viruses at all times to not be compromised. We should all be a bit more careful,” said Dana Timmermans, Interim Director of Behavioral Health Services.

Since this public health threat began, many have been very concerned with the coronavirus, however, the influenza virus has been overshadowed. This season there have been 10,000 reported deaths caused by the influenza virus.

There have been more deaths reported from the flu than the novel coronavirus, which has an estimated 1,100 reported deaths. Unfortunately, there is still not a vaccine for COVID-19, but there is a flu vaccine. Getting a flu shot would be beneficial to one’s health, considering the risk.

Health Center
Front entrance to the Student Health Center on campus Photo credit: Nidia Nunez

The Health Center is designed to help students who seek medical attention and may utilize their services. Visit the Health Center on campus located in room 1204, next to the gymnasium. There are physicians, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, psychologists and health educators to assist students in need.

Call to make an appointment at (714) 992-7093 or visit the website at for more information.