For college students, it can often be challenging to maintain health. Staying educated and learning these tips can improve your health and your life:
Control What You Put Into Your Body
· It is almost impossible to find healthy snacks in the average vending machine. Students can avoid harmful binge eating by packing simple snacks such as organic granola bars, fruits, small bags or containers of baby carrots to satisfy their hunger.
· Preparing portions and cooking one’s own food is a way to have full knowledge of the content and amount he or she puts inside his or her body.
· Visiting fast food restaurants more than once a week may seem harmless, however it can take a toll on a student’s financial health. This can cause stress, which is extremely unhealthy in the present and the future for anyone.
Live Longer by Finding Ways to Keep Your Heart Rate Up
· Joining a sports team or gym is a great way to stay in shape, maintain health and achieve an aesthetic appearance.
· Always take the stairs, park far and take the long route; you’ll find parking a lot easier as well.
· Working out with friends is a way to ensure continuous progress because workout partners can motivate each other.
You Should Know Your Body Better Than Anyone Else Does
· To take charge of one’s body and know exactly what is going on at all times, regular doctor and dentist visits should be made.
· A close monitoring of one’s body can help detect any symptoms of serious diseases such as cancer.
· Every body shape is different. One should stay within the recommended Body Mass Index weight. The National Institute of Health website has valuable information on this.
Nutrition Makes a Difference in Daily Performance
· All physical processes require nutrients to work well and students can ensure their general health by feeding their body nutrient rich foods.
· Without an adequate intake of healthy food, the mind cannot think clearly and the body is sluggish. This can affect students in a negative way by hindering their ability to move fast, get things done and even process information well.
· To maximize the amount of nutrients and limit deficiencies, one should eat different colors of vegetables and fruits. Deficiencies can affect mental and physical processes.
We All Know How to Eat, But Here are Some Tips
· Eating many small meals a day is better than eating a few large meals. One should keep the body fed at all times and avoid any negligence.
· Sometimes, healthy food is not available. That can be okay, but the rule is: Everything in moderation.
· Food should be prepared with as little condiments as possible, especially those with chemicals such as ketchup or barbecue sauce.
You Can Live a Week Without Food But Not Water
· The rule of 8: To stay hydrated, it is recommended to drink at least 8 servings of 8 ounces of water a day, in moderation. However, drinking too much water at a time can kill a person – through water intoxication.
· Water should be a priority above any other type of beverage ingested.
· Dehydration happens when the body does not receive enough water and this can affect the thought process even when it does not seem so.
Spend Quality Time With Friends Instead of Partying
· Partying affects academic performance due to lack of time studying, lack of sleep as well as other biological effects from the chemical properties from the use of drugs or alcohol.
· The health of interpersonal relationships is dependent on the type of interaction between people.
· Drinking and/or using drugs is detrimental to the body and it will manifest in an unhealthy overall appearance, which can then affect self-esteem.
You are in charge of your health. The more effort on your part to stay healthy, the better you will feel.
“Look good, feel great!”
Donna Lazarescu received a Health Science BS at California State University, Fullerton. She is a Health Director for local nonprofit organization Mommy & Me Cancer Foundation. To increase community health awareness, Donna has created a disease prevention program called “My Body My Mission” that focuses on educating high school children about positive health behaviors. She values education, health and altruism.
The Health Buzz is a biweekly column on advice for student health.