The Fullerton city council has unanimously ratified City Manager Ken Domer’s proclamation of the existence of a local emergency during this evening’s council meeting.

The ratification provides the city with the means to take further action in the growing issue that is COVID-19.
During the meeting, it was said that “The proclamation and the resolution for consideration tonight allows us to continue to work with our local partners and state partners and to seek reimbursement for all of our activities. It also allows for a little more leniency on an emergency basis,” said Domer.

The ratification was an emergency item on the agenda. The council voted unanimously for it to be a part of the agenda for the meeting.
The proclamation was not the only effort of the council to increase their ability to support during this time. One other agenda item that was passed allowed for 100,000 dollars of General Fund unassigned fund balance to be appropriated for emergency preparedness.
The meeting began with a statement by Mayor and city council member Jennifer Fitzgerald, calling on citizens to take precautionary measures to ensure their own healthiness as well as setting up text trees with neighbors in order to keep in contact. “Now more than ever–we need to look out for each other,” said Fitzgerald.
Although it is recommended that citizens practice social distancing, Fitzgerald notes that doesn’t mean total isolation.
Fitzgerald also mentioned that members of the community should “enjoy our parks, enjoy the trail system, take the time to spend quality moments with your family and maybe explore new places in Fullerton.”
With concerns about COVID-19, the amount of people in the audience was quite low with just six people in attendance. Although the amount of people in attendance was low, the public was allowed to make comments via email.
Jose Castaneda had a comment read expressing concerns about COVID-19, asking city officials to close the public library, enforce social distancing policies and close Fullerton City Hall.
As per the public health directive released by Orange County earlier today both the library and city hall will be closed to the public.

James Wilson expressed concerns about city personnel getting quarantined, as well as asking if there were any backups to water, police and fire services.
Members of the council themselves practiced social distancing as well as department heads, and were spaced out from each other in the council room. They also are beginning to have some department heads attend meetings through online avenues only as well for precaution.
Police Chief Robert Dunn noted that the police are taking precautionary steps in order to make sure their members are also not infected. All executive staff have been split up so that they do not overlap within shifts, and the department has been split up into three platoons that also do not overlap. The police department’s front counter is also closed.
Fire Chief Adam Loeser mentioned that the fire department is taking steps in order to make sure their staff aren’t infected as well.
Good luck to all the members of the Fullerton community. Remember to stay healthy and keep up to date with Fullerton news.