Orange County Board of Supervisors unanimously voted 5-0 to reopen businesses while following safety guidelines. The decision came after Governor Gavin Newsom’s four-phase plan was laid out which leads to this going into effect immediately.
Chairwoman Michelle Steel and Supervisor Don Wagner set the guidelines to be followed by businesses. The guidelines are to be followed in order for Orange County to transition back to somewhat normal activity.

The Orange County Business Guidelines are as follows:
1. Scope: These guidelines do not supersede any conflicting or more restrictive orders issued by local governments, the State of California, or the Federal Government.
2. Sick, elderly and vulnerable persons: Anyone who feels sick should remain home. In addition, elderly or at-risk people should continue to follow recommendations and stay at home.
3. Physical distancing: Physical distancing in the workplace should continue. A minimum of six feet should be maintained between customers and employees. Six feet of distance should be maintained between employee workstations as well.
4. Hand washing, personal protective equipment and testing: Employers should require all customer-facing employees to either wash their hands or use hand sanitizer every 30 minutes. Each employee should have their temperature taken before the start of every shift and the temperature must be under 100.4 degrees.
5. County facilities: Persons accessing county facilities should follow state guidance regarding physical distancing and the use of face coverings.
6. Vendor compliance: Businesses should attempt to assure compliance with these guidelines by all vendors.
7. Further action as necessary: The Orange County Board of Supervisors reserves the right to modify these guidelines as circumstances warrant.
Although the county already approved the safety guidelines, they are still waiting on Newsom’s stamp of approval to take action.
“As we transition back to business as usual, we must do so in a manner that is conscious of the public health but also addressing the needs of businesses and their employees who need to put food on the table,” stated the Orange County Board of Supervisors.

At this point, it is deeper than just public health. All of the businesses and workers who are out of jobs have been affected and reopening businesses will allow for people and businesses to get back on their feet but that does not mean it will go back to normal.
“These guidelines were put together over many long meetings to ensure that all industry representatives, medical professionals, and our legal counsel had input in order to best reflect business needs while simultaneously keeping in line with public health recommendations,” said Wagner.
Recent data shows the County has had an increase in layoffs and unemployment claims since the closure. Since Orange County has flattened the curve, reopening businesses would be a bright idea so that the economy does not completely fail, and potentially drag the state into a depression.