Donald Trump dismissed Joe Biden’s election win projected by the media and keeps insisting that the 2020 election was rigged, igniting MAGA rallies all across the country. His followers in Orange County have organized yet another Trump rally in the city of Huntington Beach.
More than one hundred Trump supporters took part in the national “Stop the Steal” movement Saturday in the Downtown area of Huntington Beach from noon to 5 p.m. For two weeks supporters have been backing Trump’s claim that the November 3 election was fraudulent and are convinced that the president’s second term was stolen. Thus his followers came out to protest.
During the rally, proud enthusiasts wore their Trump attire, caps, waved their flags, displayed their signs and some wore their flags as capes. There were demonstrators expressing their political message on megaphones and recycling slogans such as “Stop the Steal” and “Four More Years.”

Pacific Coast Highway had a vast array of passing vehicles waving their Trump flags, playing loud patriotic music, horns blaring, motorists cheering, waving and yelling enthusiastically at their backers on the sidewalk.
Dozens of motorcycles rode by as well. The cycles had flag poles sticking out of them. Some of the riders revved their engines to show support as they rode by and the crowds would cheer loudly in unison at the motorbikes.
“I am here today to show support for our president and to keep fighting no matter what the election outcome might be,” said Alli Willbourn, a student at Vanguard University, majoring in communications. “If Joe Biden becomes president nobody is going to cause violence on our side. We will use this defeat as motivation to keep pushing forward towards the next election.”
In the Pier Plaza, there was a table set-up with two custom banners that read “Recall Gavin Newsome.” Several attendees were signing the petitions to recall the Democratic governor of California. The table had petition forms for activists living in Orange, Los Angeles, Riverside and San Bernardino counties. The organization California Patriot Coalition had its regions covered at this south Orange County site. Every weekend this recall effort is organized by Michelle Peterson a coordinator who works with CPC.

Out of all the MAGA advocates, there was only one Biden-Harris supporter. Michael Brown displayed his sign on his beach cruiser bicycle. The Huntington Beach native who lives two blocks away from the pier and is a resident of 43 years is a registered independent who leans conservative. This election cycle he did not vote for the 2020 Trump-Pence presidential ticket.
“Trump is a very divisive person. He is so insulting to the military that is not the way to lead. Joe Biden is trying to unite the country. He is more republican than Donald Trump,” said Michael Brown, one of the few Biden supporters at the rally.

“I am here because people need to be recognized,” said Khris Bickle, a student at Orange Coast College majoring in sociology. “Trump supporters are constantly silenced by the mainstream media and the violent leftists. There are people who disagree with them and disagreeing is okay. It is important that we voice our opinions.”

“I am here to support Donald Trump. If Biden becomes the president, I will accept it. In 2000 the media gave Al Gore the victory at first. Then George W. Bush ended up being the president. This could happen again. We have a little bit of faith,” said Jordan Harrison, a student at California State University Long Beach majoring in Business Administration
There was a small police presence keeping the peace. Several law enforcement officers patrolled Pier Plaza on foot. There was one police SUV parked in the middle of PCH keeping the flow of pedestrian traffic running smoothly. When the demonstrators impeded the flow of traffic, the officer would announce over his vehicle’s speaker system for the protestors to not to block the street. As the crowds decreased in numbers the police slowly began to leave. By 5:00 p.m. the protest was over.