Fullerton College will host its first in-person Club Rush since the start of the pandemic in the quad on Thursday, Sept. 8 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. For those who cannot attend the in-person event, there is also a virtual option on Wednesday, Sept. 7 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Club Rushes of recent semesters were relegated to virtual Zoom events, as were all club meetings. In previous years, Clubs attracted the attention of possible members in the quad with decorated tables and snacks. This semester will see a return to form. The tables are headed by club officers and members, ready to answer questions and explain the obligations and events in which members participate.
Student Wanda Boyle plans to attend the live event: “I’d like to see what the clubs have to offer,” she said. “Maybe the Speech and Debate Club would be good. I took that class.”

Photo credit: Hornet photo files
Students interested in joining a club can plan in advance by looking at the list of clubs on the Fullerton College Active Clubs and Organizations webpage. Some of the active clubs include those with course-related subject matter, some are chapters of National Honor Society organizations, and other clubs are based on specific communities and cultures. Some clubs take an active hand in annual events, such as the French Film Festival, in which both the French Club and German Club participate.
Anna Larson enjoys the French Film Festival every year, and said she wanted to explore either club, “I haven’t taken either language class, yet,” she said. “But I’d like to help with the Festival.”
The clubs listed on the Active Student Clubs and Organizations page are not the only available clubs, however. Interested students can petition to re-activate a club, by requesting its constitution and by-laws. A club must include an advisor (and optionally, a co-advisor), a roster of 10 members, officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer), and a representative to the Associated Students Senate.

Those interested in clubs may also be interested in student leadership, and now is a great time to get involved. The deadline for the Associated Students Senate declaration of candidacy for the Fall 2022 election is Friday, September 9 at 12 p.m.
More information about Clubs can be found on the Student Life and Leadership webpage or in the 200 building on campus.