Blue mats, iridescent gymnasium lighting, laughter and an entire cheerleading team getting ready to start their practice. That is the scene that can be found weekly at the Fullerton College cheer team’s practice.

As the proud sideline supporters of the Hornet’s football and basketball teams, many people are still unaware that Fullerton College has a cheerleading team.
The team puts in at least five hours a week into on-campus practices, under the watchful eyes of their coaches, Shelly Altman and her husband Danny Altman.
The practices consist of stretching, stunting, going over routines or game day material and ending with conditioning. Along with these practices they also spend numerous hours at games and open gym sessions perfecting their skills.
Not only do the members train week in and week out to make sure that they are ready to cheer on their school, they also train to compete against other colleges, both locally and nationally.
The Hornets compete in local competitions in order to get their name noticed and national competitions to earn titles.

Competition routines are usually 2 1/2 minutes jammed packed with a choreographed dance, basket tosses and stunts, which consist of one or more team members lifting another member into the air to perform a number of different skills.
These airborne skills consist of jumps, tumbling and pyramids, which involves all team members lifting squad members into the air while usually being connected together.
“Cheer is a sport. We train hard, we get hurt and we compete.” said Erik O’Dowd, a first-year member to the team.
The team participates in the Relay for Life events, sponsored by the American Cancer Society and Red Ribbon Week activities at elementary schools along with other community events they are invited to.
Although, they support many of the teams at sporting events and are involved in the community, many students, athlete and fans are unaware there’s a squad on the campus.
“We want students to know that we exist,” said Ryan Marie Dixon, squad member. “We are here, we work just as hard as anyone else.”

While working to receive some recognition, the team is still striving to be the best they can be.
They attend practice ready to work, built a team bond with one another and donned ‘FC’ with pride.
The squad is always ready to entertain and perform in front of the crowd regardless of reaction according to Daniel Chavez a second-year member of the team. Although, they may not be as recognized in front of the crowd or athletes they support, it does not affect their reason for being a part of the team
“I’m here to represent my college.” Chavez said.
The cheer team can be found in action at all home games for the football team and are in a showcase for La Sierra High School in the Inland Empire on Nov. 15.