Fullerton College students are being given the opportunity to both impress prestigious colleges and learn new cultural values. In spring 2014 a few selected students will fly to Seville, Spain where the study abroad program will be offering classes in Micro- and Macro-Economics, Business Law, Critical Thinking & Writing, Creative Writing, World Literature and Bible as Literature.
“Its a different fun cultural experience, many students learn and make changes regarding their life plans, majors, and where they want to transfer. It’s a maturing experience,” said Study Abroad Coordinator Doug Eisner.
According to the SIT (School for International Training) Study Abroad website, not only does the student gain new perspectives of the world, they are able to increase learning language skills, improve on decision making and problem-solving solutions, and help test the students interest.
“It’s definitely something I want to experience, you would never regret visiting Europe,” said Dalina Barber, FC pre-nursing major.
Students will be accompanied by Brandon Floreke and Marcus Wilson who will be teaching the offered courses. Students will also be able to earn up to 12 transferrable units for Cal states and UC schools.
Students have the option of staying with a Spanish host family or in one of the university dorms. Food is provided all seven days of the week, unless students wants to travel to different parts of the country over the weekend. The trip will include a weekend trip to Madrid, two day trips to Granada and Cordoba, and entrances to museums and attractions in these cities and Seville.
“All the other weekends, including spring break, students usually will leave, and we want them to leave Spain,” said Eisner. “Go to France, go to Italy, go to Germany, and go wherever you want to go.”
Doug Eisner recollects how he had over his many study abroad trips travelled to Barcelona, Madrid, Rome, Venice, and even England over the weekends. The many cheap transportation options available in Europe make these weekend getaways even more accessible.
Students will also be involved in weekly cultural classes involving Spanish food, history, music, and other cultural aspects of Spain. The one unit course will educate them on how to travel, read different types of maps, and safety skills to keep them out of harm’s way.
“One of the biggest problems for safety in Spain is pickpocketing,” said Eisner.
Another large problem is alcohol. The drinking age in Europe is 18. Therefore, students will be allowed to drink, according to Eisner.
“Americans students have a reputation of binge drinking and people (Europeans) know that, so they take advantage of that,” according to Eisner.
Eisner mentions that students become even more vulnerable to pickpocketing, robbery, and rape if they do not drink responsibly on the trip. The one unit class will educate them on how to drink responsibly in that setting as well as other safety guidelines. Furthermore, students will be required to sign an agreement stating that they will drink responsibly and not consume any sort of drugs on the trip.
In order for students to apply they must be over the age of 18, must have completed 12 units of college credits, have a grade point average of 2.5 and must have completed English 100 with a C or higher.
“Because I’m working I might be able to save up some money, but I will definitely need some financial help, or I would have a fundraiser. I’d want to spend money on a trip that will benefit me,” said FC student Brenda Merida.
The cost to study abroad in Spain is approximately $8000, which includes airfare, tuition, housing, food, transportation, etc. But if money is an issue the FC Financial aid office helps aid students to find and receive some form of financial assistance to help send students abroad.
The deadline to submit applications is October 15. But Eisner strongly encourages students who are interested to submit applications sooner due to a possibility of a full student enrollment capacity.
“Their is a 50 student capacity, its basically a first come first serve type of ordeal,” said Eisner.
The selected students will be departing for Spain on March 6, 2014 and coming back to the U.S. on May 16, 2014.
To apply students can go to studyabroad.fullcoll.edu. or students may contact Doug Eisner at deisner@fullcoll.edu for any further information.
Written by Mariah Duran and Nur Sattar