If you’re a quantity over quality type of person then this sushi place might be for you.
Located in the strip mall on Chapman Avenue next to Walgreens, this newly opened restaurant offers the basic dishes one would find in a sushi place.
Their items include specialty rolls, hand rolls, sashimi, sushi, teriyaki bowls and various appetizers.

It seems like most sushi spots are fairly small with limited seating and this place was no different.

Customer service is definitely a perk for them as they are very attentive. They bring out the food to you whenever it’s ready instead of waiting for the whole order to be done.

Their specialty rolls were quite bland and didn’t have much flavor. The Dragon Roll might be their best, but it was drenched in a sauce that made it overly soggy.
It was surprisingly unfortunate that the Spicy Tuna roll, which has no sauce, was also soggy.
Their Philadelphia roll was nice and simple, but they may have overdone the cream cheese. The cuts of salmon on their sushi were very generous and could be something that people favor.

The gyoza appetizer was unusually spicy compared to other places, which makes it difficult for kids to eat. The one dish that didn’t disappoint was their shrimp tempura considering the simplicity of that particular appetizer.
Sushi preparation and freshness are very important aspects in the Japanese cuisine. Even the slightest chance of carelessness can affect the whole dish.
For sushi lovers, it’s easy to know when a chef doesn’t use fresh fish because the fish tastes abnormally fishy. When fresh fish is used, the fishy taste has a mildly perfect balance between the other flavors, if any.
Overall Roll & Grill was a bit underwhelming. Yes, they have decent prices and the customer service can easily be appreciated; but if the taste of their food isn’t up to par then there isn’t much of a desire to return.
Roll & Grill is located at 1308 E. Chapman Ave.