Local clubs on campus attempted to gain more student members during Fullerton College’s first ever Quadchella event. They all looked eager to add more members to their organizations through a variety of engagements.
There was a great turnout for almost all clubs during this time. Aside from flyers, many clubs tempted students with goodies or activities that they could partake in.
The Psychology Club had a puzzle of the human brain that students could make an effort to solve. It was a unique activity that ironically requires the use of your mind.
Students were also able learn about models of cells and tubes holding chemicals that were explained from The Science Club. Along with those, they could also draw out cells.
Queer People of Color Conference (QPOCC) were getting involved as well by gathering students around with their enthusiasm and petitioning to make their club official on campus.
One activity that had a significant turnout was the printing technology station held near the Quadchella stage. This group was selling t-shirts that students could either watch become printed or create themselves. Those who wished to print their own shirts were assisted by Screen Printing Instructor Sam Karaba.
“It’s so much more fun for students to come in and make stuff,” said Printing Technology Coordinator Dennis Howey.
Howey was excited to be able to give students a taste of what to expect from the printing courses. Him and the rest of the students volunteering enjoyed the time and were glad to have the exposure of how lively the class can be.
The Film Club showed great dedication by sticking around after the quad’s Constitution Day competition (who also happened to win the competition for most patriotic table). They had over 50 students signing up to join and continued striving to add more members.
“Film club has some insane staying power. It feels pretty great,” said Julian Babad, President of Film Club.
To reel students in, Babab and his club wrote quotes on the ground with chalk and offered pretzels that were inside popcorn bags with many recognizable celebrity faces on them. He even held podcasts covering the events occurring during Quadchella and topics discussed during their club meetings.
A fun fact some students may not know is that the vice president for the Film Club is a performer for Quadchella, KAIA.
“She was great. She had real Florence of the Machine looks,” said Babad commenting on her performance.
Overall, Quadchella provided clubs with a number of new members and always have their doors open for more students to join.