A group of evangelists preached to students at the free speech area outside the 400 building at Fullerton College on Wednesday.
One of the two evangelists, who went by the name of Christian, said that they are there to spread the good news and to let people know what Christ has done for us.
The free speech preach involved reading The Bible, answering people’s questions and at one point, John, the second evangelist, sang a hymn.
“We’re not here to baptize you,” John said during one of his speeches.

The free speech preach caused a lot of uproar not only between the Evangelist preachers and students, but also amongst students. An intense debate involving two students who had different religious beliefs even broke out at one point.
According to witness Jake Callaway, a PR major at Fullerton College, it breaks his heart to see the negative reactions. According to Callaway the crowd’s reaction consisted of agreements and disagreements, while others found it only interesting because it was entertaining.
Bystanders would yell “God hates everybody”, while the Evangelist would contrast the statement with “God loves everybody,” Callaway said.
“He has a message to give, it’s just not the ideal way to do it,” another witness named Christian said.
Another student, who requested anonymity, said that he doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with what the two men were saying. He continued to say that he understood why some students believed it’s a controversial topic, as religion is a touchy subject to most.
According to Steve Selby, the Director of Campus Safety at Fullerton College, they were there to ensure the safety of the campus and students. They do not, however, have the authority to stop them since they were in the free speech area of the quad.
This marks the second day in a row that evangelists have visited Fullerton College to exercise their First amendment. Tuesday, February 9 an unidentified older man visited the free speech zone a proselytized for about four hours.
Jeremiah Price • Feb 12, 2016 at 5:33 pm
The author of this story calling these men, “CHRISTIAN” is a mockery to JESUS CHRIST! Jesus clearly states in MATTHEW 7:24-27 that if someone loves him they will follow HIS TEACHINGS. These men pushed a APOSTOLIC PAULIAN DOCTRINE, and hardly mentioned the CHRIST except to bring people into the idea of THEIR DOCTRINE, NOT that of the CHRIST! Compare some of the murdering, lying, thieving, self-proclaimed Apostle PAUL’s words/stories: 1 COR 4:15, 1 COR 11:1-2, 1 COR 15:1-2, 2 COR 11:8, 2 COR 12:16, ROM 2:16, ROM 6:14-15, ROM 16:17-18, ROM 9:1, 1 COR 9:19-22 to those words spoken by CHRIST JESUS: MT 5:17-20, MT 23:8-9, MT 7:15-28, MT 24:23-27, MT 12:31-32, MK 3:29, LK 12:10 etc, etc, etc.
These scriptures are only a few that show Paul to be the deceiver he is. Jesus told us that many men like PAUL will come, who choose to deceive many. MT 24:3-27. Some Christ believer think Paul was personally prophesied of in the Old Testament book of HABAKKUK 2:1-8 when they are compared to Paul and HIS DOCTRINE, some being:1 COR 9:19-22, etc, etc, would come as wolves in sheep’s clothing to deceive many. Paul even used some of HABAKKUK’s prophecy that condemns him to make his point in ROM 1:17. Like he was bragging he was the guy that is a deceiver! WOW, RIGHT!
The picture, also makes myself, a student at the college, Jeremiah Price, appear as though I am against people preaching JESUS. Which I am NOT!
The so called “Evangelist” in the picture on the right, calling himself” CHRISTIAN” was high on drugs during his PAULIAN rant, which was was filled with HATE and LIES being spread to the students/faculty, etc of this great institution that has a history of trying to appear as a “CHRISTIAN COLLEGE”. Not to mention, the colleges use of UNCONSTITUTIONAL FREE SPEECH ZONES! Also, these supposed “EVANGELISTS”, were not students, nor even from this state, but from a church in NY! (According to sources)
These men, as well as many others, will be judged by their words according to JESUS (MT 12:36-37), and were told by the Prophets, ie JER 23:1-2 as to what happens when you lead his flock astray. That is why I spoke up, not to stop the spread of JESUS, as this author would have you and others to believe.
Val • Feb 10, 2016 at 10:29 pm
He was also very racist saying that white people were chosen to carry on the race due to natural selection and that is why they live longer. I am trying to find a video of him saying it but I started recording after he said that.