The award-winning TV show, “House of Cards”, starring Golden-Globe winners Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright, returned to Netflix on March 4, 2016.

It has been a while since we first met Francis/Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey) and his beloved wife Claire Underwood (Robin Wright).
The two share a passion for power that has been able to overcome the hardest of obstacles. Equally ambitious, ruthless, corrupt and manipulative, The Underwoods force you into their world and take you on their journey to the White House.
Netflixers were first introduced to the pair when Frank was betrayed by the 2013 President-elect of the United States and his chief-of-staff, who had made promises to promote Frank to Secretary of State if he helped whip up votes for them.
After they won the election, Frank was kept in congress as Majority Whip despite their promises.
From that point on, Frank and Claire went on a mission to destroy everyone in their path until he eventually became President of the United States and she became First Lady, by default.
In season three, The Underwoods begin having martial problems which leads to the last episode ending with Claire bluntly letting Frank know that she was leaving him.
Now, in season four, the time has come again for the nation to vote for their president. The First Lady is nowhere to be seen, and President Underwood is worried about how this will make his campaign look.
Frank’s marriage is not the only problem he faces, he also has to worry about the other candidates running for President in 2016. Heather Dunbar, played by Elizabeth Marvel, and Will Conway, played by Joel Kinnaman, are doing everything they can to hurt his image.
At the same time, reporters are also working tirelessly to expose their suspicions of the corruption and crimes Frank has committed to be where he is.
Lucas Goodwin, journalist and wrongly accused federal convict (Sebastian Arcelus) shockingly comes out of nowhere and shoots The President.
That’s just in the first four episodes of this new season.
A lot of new actors have been introduced, Neve Campell, who is most recognized the “Scream” movies of the ’90s, plays Leann Harvey, Claire’s campaign manager. who proves to be just as sly and media savvy as The Underwoods.
The show stays consistent, bringing up events from the first three seasons and assuring the audience that they have not forgotten that the show is one big storyline.
“House of Cards” delivers the drama and cliff-hanging moments it is well known for. The writing is exquisite and always leaves the audience asking for more.
Netflix’s “House of Cards” is confirmed to return for a fifth season in 2017.