Emergency services were quick to respond to an accident that sent one woman to the hospital right in front of Fullerton College this morning at 9 a.m.

The unidentified woman was attended to on the scene by paramedics and transported to an unnamed near by medical facility.
No third party witnesses were available for comment but Sergeant Castillo of the Fullerton Police Department was able to give a description of the accident.
“The Silver Toyota was traveling westbound at a high rate of speed, according to the witnesses, what high rate of speed we do not know, when the driver attempted a U-turn from the number one lane (center right lane). That is when she came into contact with the gray Honda,” Castillo said.
Although the exact point of contact is un known, debris from the accident was scattered across both east and west bound lanes of chapman for 100 feet.
Luis Gutierrez, the driver of the gray Honda Civic couldn’t recall to much.
“It just came out of nowhere, I didn’t see it or anything”, Gutierrez said.
Behind Gutierrez was another car with his family members in it. According to to Sabrina Gutierrez, a student of Fullerton College, the silver Toyota made a student U-turn out of no where and clipped The gray Honda.
By 10 a.m. the accident was cleaned up and traffic had resumed to normal.
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