The video that has been circulating on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube

is providing students the opportunity to express their opinion on the situation and converse with other members of the community.
As of Sunday, the YouTube video that depicts the arrest of Louis Munoz had over 7,000 views and the Twitter post had almost 3,000 retweets. Users quickly responded to the video by leaving comments on the YouTube page and replying to the Twitter post.
Viewers weighed in on the discussion, both for and against the decisions made by campus safety.
Many viewers criticized the officers, calling their actions criminalizing and unnecessary. Others defended their actions by stating the man should have provided identification when the officer first requested it.
“The situation was handled poorly on both sides of the situation if you ask me,” Twitter user @heartsblossom replied to the video. This impartial reaction was not generally supported through social channels.
@Samsungitbetter is a current student at Fullerton College and responded with, “disgusted I go to school here.”
Majority of Twitter users commented that the man did not have to answer to campus safety because they are not official policemen.
“They’re not even policemen” can be heard by the individual recording the video.
On the contrary, several YouTube users stated their support for the campus safety officers.
User ‘Natalie Davenport Teeger’ commented that the suspect escalated the situation by refusing to provide his identification to the officer.
@yourhomienoah replied to a comment with, “because fjc is a smoke free campus and by smoking on campus he can get a ticket and to give a ticket you need id.”
Another user by the name ‘Simsim tube’ referenced California

codes regarding campus safety officer rights.
“They have the same authority as a peace officer which they fall under is the 830.32 California code peace officer/campus safety under the provision of the education code of 72330,” Simsim tube said.
Twitter user @zapataphoto commented, “I’ve had many problems with that same campus safety officer and know of others who have too- I’m shocked he still has a job.”
On Oct. 14, President Greg Schulz released a memo on the
Fullerton College News Center website which stated the following:
Videos circulating on social media raise many questions. The videos are partial records of the incident and we are working to fully investigate the interaction. We cannot comment further on the incident because it is a personnel matter.
President Schulz continued by stating, “I am fully committed to the safety and well-being of all students, faculty, staff, and visitors to campus, and it is my personal mission to make Fullerton College a welcoming and safe place.”

Since the memo was originally posted, updates have been made to include information about the series of Open Forums scheduled by President Schulz.
The next forum is scheduled for Monday, Oct. 17 at 2 p.m. in building 200, room 224. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to participate in the discussion related to trepidations raised by this incident.