Campus Safety has no leads into the trespasser and/or trespassers that has been entering the P.E. offices.
Monday morning Dance Department Instructor Robin Conrad found her office opened. Although nothing was missing, her file cabinet had been broken into.
This is the second time in 3 months a similar occurrence has happened on campus. Campus Safety states there isn’t much that can be done, since nothing was taken and no doors were forcibly unlocked.
Two reports have been filed, one with Campus Safety and another with the Fullerton Police Department. An investigation concluded that there ultimately wasn’t enough evidence, or information to involve the police.
“All we know is this person is looking for something, for what, we aren’t exactly sure,” said Campus Safety Sergeant Jim McKamy.
In a previous incidence $50 were stolen from Conrad’s office. The money was for fundraising purposes to help support the Faculty Dance Concert.
“Most of us do not keep any personal stuff in the office; it’s mainly school equipment and they are damaging the students. That’s the real issue,” said Conrad.
“This person may have access to keys and might even go through our stuff every day.”
Campus Safety will remain in contact with the affected faculty members and alerting them a break in can happen at any time.